So what make you nervous?


Active member
Here are some situations.

1) Walking pass an attractive opposite sex?
2) Walking pass a group of people?
3) Performing a physical task in front of a group of friends and strangers?
4) Group presentation, you don't have to talk, only stand in front of the class?
5) Give a toast to a small group of friends?
6) Singing in front of friend?
7) Group presentation?
8) Give a toast at a small group of friends and strangers?
9) Individual presentation?
10) Sing in front of strangers?


Well-known member
All of the above and a load more:D. I'm not always too bad when walking past a group of people if I don't know them, and they don't talk to me or make any comments, and if I can ignore them.

I wouldn't like to do any of the rest though. I used to have to do presentations at school and uni. I didn't mean to make people laugh but I always did some how, and not in a bad way. I doubted my own presentation abilities though.


Well-known member
Here are some situations.

1) Walking pass an attractive opposite sex?
2) Walking pass a group of people?
3) Performing a physical task in front of a group of friends and strangers?
4) Group presentation, you don't have to talk, only stand in front of the class?
5) Give a toast to a small group of friends?
6) Singing in front of friend?
7) Group presentation?
8) Give a toast at a small group of friends and strangers?
9) Individual presentation?
10) Sing in front of strangers?

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Basically any situation where I know the people and am expected to talk to them.


Well-known member
Sorry if I didn't do this right. This is the first time I have ever been on here. :D
Anyways.....2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and 10 all make me nervous.
I'm so tired of my SA at school that I went to drop out today, but they know about my problem and they are going to try to get me classes online or something. Idk yet. I have to go back Wednesday and talk to the counsler. (Which I am SUPER nervous about!) Plus, they are setting me up a doctor's appointment, and I really don't want to go to one. Whether it would help me or not. Anyways...if they don't can't give me online classes then I am dropping out Wednesday. I can't go to school any longer with this problem. :(
I live on a row house block and the houses across the street are literally like less than 20 feet away. Whenever I leave the house the neighbors (who for some reason love sitting on their porch or steps 24/****ing 7 are directly staring at you as soon as you open the door.

It annoys me and is the reason why I hate leaving the house. If I lived in a single home that sits by itself things would definitely be alot easier for me.

basically I need more street is to cramped for someone like me


New member
Anytime all the attnetion is on me. For example, having to introduce myself to a new group of people or even a coworker mentioning that it's my B-day. Even if its to complement to me, I look down when several people look at me at once. Oh, and I nervously giggle like a little girl.


Well-known member
anything new or different and i get a sick feeling in my stomach and i pretty much lose control of my insides . i mentally dont mind new experiences and stuff but its like my body is fighting me which is really distressing