Shud I tell him?


Well-known member
In skool im finding it hard to focus on work+wat teachers are saying, instead im gettin distracted by thoughts of this teacher that i blush round and im imagining me in embarassin or awkward situations wer i get told off and embarassed.
They're always negative ones that put me dwn. these dnt get better since i see the teacher in skool+wen i do, i blush which makes the nxt daydream mre intense so i actaully blushthen aswell and this is getting me dwn im borderline depression here, so im wondering shud i tell him about this Erythrohpobia to see if talking about it helps, will he understand,how shud i explain it? any help is grateful!!


hmmmm very tricky one! sometimes I think telling people about this phobia makes the situation worse, because people notice it more once you've told them and even seem to look out for it. I confided in a few members of my family once and wish i hadnt, cos i could see them watching me intensley a lot. if i got red for another reason, eg heat, they assumed something was up and pointed out i was red again. a few mths later i pretended i had overcome it and i dont make a big deal out of it with them, even though im anxious as hell about it.
I know its tempting to want to talk to someone but unless they have this problem themselves they can never understand.
The less you point it out to people the less they notice it, which makes it easier for us in the long run!

Good luck x


Well-known member
thanks, but wat can i do about these negative thoughts its as if they're always there they wont go away and reli get me down :( :(


As soon as you start thinking negative thoughts, Stop! knock them straight out of your head, refuse to carry on with the thought and replace it with something nice and positive. It takes practice, but they will go away eventually, or at least you'll be able to stop them when they start. I used to have loads of terrible negative thinking associated with depression. I would deliberately think of the worst possible things, mainly concerning my family, it would reduce me to floods of tears. but i have learnt that the minute they enter my head i can push them straight back out. I now replace them with happy thoughts, ambitions. Start to think of this teacher praising you, helping you, admiring your work, enjoy the thought, you'll feel much better for it.

Good luck xx


Well-known member
aww thanks for that ill try it :D
but hes really picking up on it lately and prob thinks im really weird, why cant this just go away!