Self-Help Books...


So i bought this one self-help book (don't wanna say which one and sound like some cheap advertisement), and I gotta say, it's explained a lot of things I have trouble. It address negatives things that I constantly do, which makes me think that not only this author knows what I'm going through, but that these problems can be worked around. Have self-books helped you guys?


Well-known member
I don't think self help helps a whole lot, to be honest. They all paint a rosy picture of your problem and you just need to do a few easy steps and then you'll be happy...they just don't conform to reality.

You feel good reading them thinking that finally you're going to get somewhere, but when the rosy picture the book paints turns in to hard work, you give up.

Of course, if these books really worked, they wouldn't need to keep writing new ones all the time, they'd just use the good old ones that worked. They sell you the tapes, the seminars, the just seems like a racket like the easy abs in 5 minutes a day crap...they just reinvent the same BS to rip off people with.

I'm pretty cynical about books helping people, but I'm sure there have been a lot of people that have been helped by them.


Well-known member
i have read a few dale caregie. they help, they help you identify what you need to do. But in the end the person who is goona help you is you.


afrojr said:
So i bought this one self-help book (don't wanna say which one and sound like some cheap advertisement), and I gotta say, it's explained a lot of things I have trouble. It address negatives things that I constantly do, which makes me think that not only this author knows what I'm going through, but that these problems can be worked around. Have self-books helped you guys?
Well done for taking some steps in the right direction, whatever helps my friend, remember your not alone, I suffer from crippling shyness, and am doing something at the moment which may help, if it does I'll recommend it to you. Stay well mate


Well-known member
Self-help books have helped me to a certain extent. They have given me different ideas and techniques to combat fear and negative thinking. But all the hard work will be up to you to get out and practice with exposure.

Cheaper alternative than going to a therapist all the time. Depending on the severity of your SA or shyness, you may need to see a professional. To get evaluated and meds to help in the beginning. To help set you down the right path.
I was very cynical about self-help books, but they have actually helped me a whole lot. They haven't been the answers to my problems, and I don't think I could have gotten better with JUST self-help books, because everyone's case is different so I think you need direct one-on-one help, but they've really built on what i learned in therapy and they've helped my gain new perspectives on life and my recovery.


Thelema said:
They all paint a rosy picture of your problem and you just need to do a few easy steps and then you'll be happy

I have bought two different self help books, one geared completely towards shyness and the other was about shyness but contained information on SA.

Neither of the two books pretended it was an easy problem to overcome shyness or social anxiety. Both say that it is possible but very, very hard.

There are some individuals who are shy, not completely out of fear but because they genuinely don't have a clue about social interaction. Others need to adjust their misapprehensions about life and reading a book is the perhaps the first step in doing so.

BTW, I am not advocating that someone buy those typical books that promises miracles, rather a self-help book written by experts / psychologists full of evidence and reasoning, and there are books out there if you search for them.


There's nothing to be skeptical about, self-help books teach you the same time-tested CBT and exposure treatments that any good therapist would tell you to do.
Just don't buy books that say 'change your life in 3hours' or 'reach all your dreams by next week'....The ones I've read are the more like workbooks I guess. The anxiety and phobia workbook and the self esteem workbook, and they were really good. There was some other one that I read about anxiety and I spent most of the first chapter laughing at it and then didn't read any more!
So if you find something good it can be useful but a lot of them are completely ridiculous!


Well-known member
There is one self-help book that changed my life and I recommend it first before you read anything else. That is Dr. Phil's "Life Strategies", his first book. Dr. Phil isn't really anything more than a regular therapist who ended up with his own tv show because he just happened to be a consultant on Oprah Winfrey's legal team. So the advice he gives you is basically what you would learn at therapy sessions with a doctor you would hire on your own. That being said, whichever route you take is your choice, book or professional help.

The book isn't about shyness or SA, but it helped me understand what I was doing wrong with my life. It points out very directly, in rational, logical steps, doesn't give you any flowery "go get 'em" or "you can do it" bs. It is all obviously general advice but it's meant for you to apply the knowledge to your situation. So I still have the shyness/etc, the book isn't a cure of course... but the book brings to light so much stuff, basically an "audit" of your life, that convinced me to finally take the problem head on. Which meant lots of research after I read the book. But without that I never would have gotten the idea to do any of that for myself nor would I have seen the logic in it. I would have thought any self help would not apply to me.

So I ended up buy a few books, a lot of them were unmemorable. I found a few good tips in some but the best ended up being "how to suceed with women". A pick-up artist's book, not about shyness at all. It changed how I think. Surprisingly the knowledge corresponds to Dr. Phil's book really well. It also wasn't a cure, in fact the book is very blunt about the fact that you could take a long time to prepare yourself. But it's presented in a rational manner that shows you what you're doing wrong, the psychology of how people think, etc. You realize a lot of beliefs that hold you back are illogical. Armed with the knowledge you don't feel as scared as you could be because you know all about the success/failure ratio, how non-shy people do things, etc. They give you ideas on how to stop the worry about meeting people. I applied the knowledge not only to finding dates but in my normal life as well. I was shocked at how many women wanted to talk to me after I did some of the things in the book, and I did them completely half-assed because I was still too shy to do anything fully.