Screwing up a phonecall


Well-known member
This is the story of the day i screwed up a phonecall.
This long time family friend rang in to say merry christmas but without realising it i picked up the phone and in my most abrupt, stern tone i greeted them with a hello.. and recieved a pause with a who is this. The rest of the conversation was akward and to top it off at the end i confused my words and nervously blurted merry birthday :!: :?: I could feel them think WTF. THAT is an example of how my lack of social skills can screw up a simple phonecall.. and make me sound rude.
This post has turned out as a blog, so i'm not expecting any comments but feel free to comment or add any of your own random stories that don't fit anywhere.

I just wanted to mention that I have, and still do, many "weird" and confusing things due to the effects of social anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, etc. It's so frustrating and I have to say "thank you" for posting this. For many of us, it helps to see others that know how difficult this really is. I have many stories and examples similar to your story here, but it would take weeks to read them all... :roll:

Thank you and take care,



Well-known member
I mess up phone calls all the time...yesterday for example I got a phone call from an employment agency saying they had a potential job for me, he asked me what kind of work I wanted to do, and that my CV looked really good, and then a few umm....ahhhs from me, then silence...I froze up. Must have been about 30 extremely awkward seconds before he said "uh...ok...I'll...try you later then?" probably thinking I am mentally retarded or something.

He never phoned back, and I'm now back at square one with the job search


Well-known member
Haha! That sucks. I've been there before... mainly just due to awkward pauses. When people sense your awkwardness or hesitation, they feel like you're not opening up to them... which with SA, that's true. Then they begin to wonder what the hell you're hiding.

The brutal truth is simple - everyone fucks up. People say stupid things all the time, we're all human. The only difference is that non-sa people can admit their fuck ups and move on, whereas the sa individual tries to hide it, and that arouses suspicion.


Well-known member
merry birthday??? omgosh, thats really embarrassing 8O
that totally sounds like something i would accidently say lol.


Well-known member
merry birthday??? omgosh, thats really embarrassing 8O
that totally sounds like something i would accidently say lol.


Active member
I always muck up phone convos like that xo when my friends ring for a chat there's always awkward silences and I try to make up an excuse to end the phone call asap

One time my brother's teacher rang up the house and I picked up the phone. He was like Hello this is his teacher, I'd like to speak to his parents about blah blah blah, then I was like okay, I'll let them know... Then he goes, sorry who is this? And I COMPLETELY mind blanked lol, I couldn't think what I was to my brother :lol: After about a 15 second pause and almost saying 'mother' the mind blank was over and I said I'm his sister. He was like Oh ooKAYY! well see you later then! like I was such a wierdo lol


Well-known member
I've done that kind of stuff before. I also come off sounding rude, too.

Just the other day I was asking a co-worker something at work. The customer was a male, but I said. "She wants to know if.." then I corrected myself "He." I always get flustered.


Well-known member
i always jumble my words and sound aprupt when answering telephone calls during my practicum and when talking to bosses. It's not your fault and you can't help feeling nervous. It's just the way you are and how words come out.


Well-known member
It happens to everyone. Once i answered the phone in my grans house and i thought it was her brother so i shouted ''Gran! Your brothers on the phone!''...It was only then i realised i'd made a mistake when she said hello and the name of her friend.....A woman who has an unusualy deep and gruff voice due to the fact that she's a heavy smoker.


Active member
i do that all the time. its the worst when im taking to family. im always worried that im gonna mess up the names of my uncles, aunts, counsins, etc and sound like an idiot. but if im talking to a salesperson i really dont give a fck and i dont feel nervous at at all.