sa makes me stupid :(

It is a sad fact those without social complications figure wrongly those with social complications are lesser. It is a social world and those who have complications socializing will be viewed usually lesser.

But pay no mind to that. This world needs thinkers and listeners too! And, dammit, I have not met an individual with social complications that didn't have a good head on their shoulders!
You're not stupid hon. You have anxiety. And this means your brain is simply doing what brains do when it's anxious. When we're anxious our brains don't function the way it would when we're relaxed, and as such we do/say/imply things that others (and maybe even ourselves) think is stupid.

There's actually a really interesting article about it here ---> Your Anxiety is Making You Act Stupider Than You Actually Are

Don't be too down about it. I've been there. It happens to the best of us :)

But for God sakes, stop saying you're stupid... if you say it enough times, you'll begin to believe it. I know from experience.