SA but what else do you have


Well-known member
Along with SA i recently was diagnosed with adult A.D.D this effects my concentration and focus among other things it has done ever since i was a kid and always made me slightly different to other people. i just think differently outside the box so to speak.
does anyone else have other conditions that go along with there SA and is there a link between these conditions that causes the SA to develop.


Well-known member
Was diagnosed with A.D.D when I was younger...still abit of an issue today...teachers always thought I cheated though on my tests or needed "special classes" but I didnt I just knew most the stuff already and picked up had me retake a test and I got a better grade the 2nd time haha in her face...


Well-known member
i think for me ADD has made me very creative but a not so good academically i always picked musical instruments up very easily or DIY fixing things it was a sort of natural gift. i was fixing electrical items like tvs and videos at 8 years old haha


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SA, Paranoia and depression though not sure if its all the same thing as have not seeked help yet.

i have abit of that not so much depression though im happy 90% of the time but i find im either very happy and energetic or totally low and cant move its hard to get a middle ground


Well-known member
I played some musical instruments to :D I played Piano going through 1st grade through elementary...flute in junior high then bass, quad and snare in high school along with some more flute and other percussional instruments...

I love piano though but I kind of lost touch on I would have to relearn music is awesome though dont lose touch with it or you might forget like me haha...What do you play?

david p

its like opening pandoras box for me, i have been papering over the cracks for years and now that i am finally forced to face up to the extent of my condition it is threatening to overwhelm me.


Well-known member
I played some musical instruments to :D I played Piano going through 1st grade through elementary...flute in junior high then bass, quad and snare in high school along with some more flute and other percussional instruments...

I love piano though but I kind of lost touch on I would have to relearn music is awesome though dont lose touch with it or you might forget like me haha...What do you play?

well right now i do music production though software like Reason, but i use a midi keyboard so i use alot of keyboard skills. used to play guitar aswell but ended up selling it as i needed money :D


Well-known member
OCD, Depression, Paranoia, mild PNES, Panic Attacks.
Also unrelated to anything psychological, plantafaciitis, nerve damage to my left hip, Asthma.
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razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
its like opening pandoras box for me, i have been papering over the cracks for years and now that i am finally forced to face up to the extent of my condition it is threatening to overwhelm me.

All these labels do more harm than good sometimes. But at the same time, it is good to know what we are up against.

Um, I have OCD and depression. I have been doing very well with my OCD, it is under control but it is a lifetime thing that doesn't completely go away. It makes me hopeful being able to cope with that; I may be able to get my depression and social anxiety to a more manageable level too.
Depression and AvPD as well the SA.
The depression is inherited, the rest is from bullying in childhood, but I think they fuel eachother and make each one worse for sure.


Well-known member
Manic depression (yeah, biwinning :D ) panic attacks, and uhm... probably a bunch of other stuff that isn't diagnosed
I've had the usual cocktail of psychological disorder episodes (SA/OCD/Agoraphobia) but I've gotten rid of them significantly since the past year to the point where only the cute residues remain. Easily controllable and very finely defined.

Yes We Can

Well-known member
At this point in my life, it's pretty much SA I'm dealing with. In the past I was dealing with depression, agoraphobia and suicidal thoughts along with SA.