Psychiatrist Appointment


I am 22 years old and have had SP for around 6-8 years and am just now deciding to do something about it. So, I am curious as to what I can expect when I see a Psychiatrist. I can't afford both medication and therapy, so i was thinking of just medication and self-help(e.g. books, this website, etc...), though I don't want to seem like I'm just looking for meds. I also think I might have AvPD and mild depression...

Any help is greatly appreciated

Thnk You, MadHatter


Hello. I am 23 and also just saw a psychiatrist about my SP for the first time last week. He prescribed me Propranolol, which I've been taking for a week now, and I haven't really noticed any change. In terms of the actual appointment, it was probably exactly what you expect. He just asked me about my past and all that, to describe the problem or give an example if I could... I'm not sure how the second appointment will go, but I'm going to ask for a medication change I think. Anyway, hope this helped a little.

Oh and if you're worried that he thinks you're just trying to get meds.... so what?? It's his job to treat you the way you want to be treated. Look, just be honest with him. Tell him that you can't afford both meds and counseling, and that you would prefer to try medication first (maybe you have time constraints or something that would make counseling difficult). He will definitely understand.