(pretending) to be more confident?


Well-known member
I have a huge problem with getting yelled at or even spoken to sternly.

Today my boss was giving me a new assignment. I was to take responsibility of this task, and knowing my personality, my boss was very careful to make sure I understood i had to make the deadlines, and I had to push other people around if their part of the project was late.

"you cannot be too nice (read: too meek)" she said over and over.

Everytime she repeated that i could feel myself shrink in my chair, neck muscles tighten, and i would get this goofy smile i always get when i'm nervous. I'm sure i was completely unconvincing when i answered i would get it done.

How do you guys deal with this situation. I would do anything to be relaxed or at least appear in front of people. I don't believe shyness makes me incompetent but it sure projects the image that i am.


Well-known member
I've been acting confident in these situations for so long that I'm not really sure anymore whether I'm confident or not - I just do it.


Well-known member
I've been acting confident in these situations for so long that I'm not really sure anymore whether I'm confident or not - I just do it.

It'll be helpful for the OP if you can enlighten her as to how to achieve this much coveted state


Well-known member
It'll be helpful for the OP if you can enlighten her as to how to achieve this much coveted state

It goes back to my Marine Corps training - poise, bearing, projection, etc.

How to appear confident when you're really scared ****less.

I'll have to think about this.... to explain, ok?