post your favourite cheer up foods


Well-known member
When im sad, i typically have 3 things ill try to get a hold of.

1. A tuscan six cheese pizza, with extra cheese.

2. The greasiest, most fattening, unhealthy, delicious, juicy burger i can find.

3. if im feeling too apethetic to go out and look for somthing i usually make Kraft Dinner, which always cheers me up.

Oh! and Arizona iced tea.

Luckily i dont eat this way all the time, im usually quite conscientious of what i eat, otherwise id have a heart attack before 40 i think.
Me when I'm depressed:



Well-known member
spinach dip, swiss cheese, baked beans, and sushi

not separately - together, as a meal

don't judge me


Well-known member
Chinese sweet & sour pork
Indonesian satay noodles
Yorkshire pudding and gravy

And the most sickly but delicious chocolate bar ever:



Well-known member
^ooooh, a good big lump of cheese, any cheese I like them all, but creamy cheddar is nice. Just sit and chew on a block. Omnom


Well-known member
Me when I'm depressed:

^ This! Haha, chocolate always cheers me up. Especially organic dark chocolate.

Coconut milk ice cream also makes me happy. It's so smooth and... coconut-y. ::p:

Mac and cheese, pasta, cookies, pretty much anything that has lots of carbs, or sugar, or both makes me happy. :)


Well-known member
Can't go wrong with pasta. There's no bad variety, and as the Italians say, "You can't be sad when eating pasta."


Well-known member
Chocolate Wagon Wheels
Tim Tams
Bananas (lollies not the fruit)
Fish and chips
Vegemite and Honey (not on the same sandwhich)


Well-known member
1. Nutella.
2. Nutella.
3. Nutella.
4. and sometimes Nutella.


Nectar of the gods!

Also on my list: french fries, cheesy stuff and soft serve vanilla ice cream. :) However when I get really upset I lose my appetite.
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