please help me! urgent.


New member
I understand much about OCD and know that I have many of the major symptoms. My parents won't take me seriously, when I say I think I might have it. I used to think it was certain that I had OCD, but I still have my doubts...can anyone help me figure out before I waste my time getting tested for it?

Some of my signs include:

Repetitive hand washing [I feel the need to wash them if they 'feel dirty to me'].

Nighttime/morning rituals I strictly follow.

When taking notes or tests in school, I have to erase what I wrote over and over again if my writing is crooked or sloppy.

The things on my dresser is set up exactly as I want it and when they are messed up, I have to immediately fix them to perfection.

I often ask my parents to feel my head to check for a fever [also rubbing and poking my stomach when it hurts to see if I gag, meaning I would throw up].

I have aniexty issues over everything. For example, I'm in constant fear of harming myself or people I really care about, even though I know I could never bring myself to actually doing them.

Whenever I feel that germs have gotten into my mouth, I immediately gather all the saliva in my mouth and repetitively spit it out, until I feel no longer contaminated.

I have a terrible feeling of dread if something is not done correctly, or I am pulled away from a task, without completing it. It's my biggest fear that because that happened, something bad will happen, like someone close to me will die, or I will throw up [one of my biggest fears].

When I want something very bad, I repeatedly pray silently to myself, to ensure that I will get it. Or if I'm worried about something bad happening, I keep asking God for it to not happen [this problem distracts me in school a lot].

I save old notes and hall passes, not being able to let myself throw them away.

So to all of you that are actually diagnosed with OCD or positive you have it, please let me know what you think!

Oh, and I was wondering what you have to do to be tested? What's it like?


Active member
Hi there ARizzle I used to share a lot of similarities with you when I was a bit younger
I used to constantly wash my hands until they were red raw while harrassing the family with Will i die Will I die when I wash my hands.

My writing used to be perfect. When I made a mistake and I had to cross it out, it freaked me out big time.

Things in my room etc also had to be perfect.

I can also identify with the praying even though I was not and am not a religious person.

You certainly from the sounds of it have a textbook case of OCD and you are going to have to go to a GP. You sound like you are young (school and all) and you may be ashamed, don't be even though I was at the time. It is fixable.

I would go to a GP and he/she will most likely put you on an SSRI which is short for a serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Please see a GP and if you are not comfortable telling your parents at this stage don't but in the long run it is probably best that you do.

Good luck


Active member
Oh and there is no real test. Any GP will know when you tell him your symptoms (be honest) will know you have OCD.
I guess I would disagree....

I would not go see a GP for medication.

I would go see a GP to get a referral to see a psychologist. Your garden variety GP might not give you the right medication for your symptoms.

Don't be afraid to tell your parents and don't be afraid to see a GP or a psychologist.

This will be a difficult step because your OCD monster will keep telling you that you should be ashamed to seek help.




Active member
But Cheese and Rice when your a kid,teenager your powerless. You depend on your parents and her parents sound like they have got the blinkers on.
If her parents are not acknowledging there is a problem do you think they will pay to see a psychologist?
“But Cheese and Rice when your a kid,teenager your powerless. You depend on your parents and her parents sound like they have got the blinkers on.”

Even if the parent have blinkers on; they would have to sign an order for medical treatment if the individual is still a minor. Normally a physician will not prescribe medication to a minor without parental

General Practitioners are usually very limited in there understanding of this illness. They also have a tendency to prescribe the current ‘flavor’
Of the month in regards to SSRI’S.

“If her parents are not acknowledging there is a problem do you think they will pay to see a psychologist”

But they’ll pay for a general practitioner to place the person on medication?

The problem gets exposed either way. And psychologists aren’t really that expensive anymore. They are no more expensive than going to a general practitioner.

Here’s my advice.

Tell your parents what’s going on.

See, the OCD monster does everything in its power to stop you from telling someone because “they won’t understand” and “you’ll be embarrassed”…

Set an appointment to go see a general practitioner.

Ask for a referral to see a psychologist.

This may not be an instance where you need medication. This is one of the problems with people who initially seek treatment. They are under the belief that taking a pill is going to solve all the problems.

It’s not..

The most important thing to do is get an official diagnosis. Only after being diagnosed should you seek medication treatment.

This is why you don’t simply run to a general practitioner and ask for medication. General practitioners are not qualified to diagnose mental illness.

Most OCD sufferers benefit from a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and medication.

You simply can’t cut any corners when dealing with OCD.

Take my recommendation for what its worth…

1) Tell your parents. Even if they “don’t understand”.
2) Make an appointment to see a General Practitioner. Let them know what your symptoms are and then ask for a referral to see a psychologist.
3)Go see your psychologist. You need an official diagnosis before starting any medication.
4)Your psychologist will then determine whether medication, cognitive behavior therapy, or other methods will best you’re your illness. They will then refer you to a psychiatrist. This is the person you want prescribing your medication. You want a psychiatrist monitoring your medication, not a general practitioner.

I’m sorry I’m so callous regarding General Practitioners, but they are simply not educated enough in regards to OCD.

Good luck,
