Please help me explain this.


Well-known member
First of all I have Asperger's syndrome which means I have trouble interpreting non-verbal body language, and predicting the intentions of others.
Here is my "problem": there's this girl in school on whom I had a crush. Of course I was unable to talk to her but I would sometimes look at her because she's so beautiful, and sometimes she would look back and or smile. During a whole year of school I only managed to talk to her twice while she would only say hi to me sometimes or something like that, never initiating a conversation with me while she is definitely not shy.
Then the next year in school (this year) there was a new guy in class and she was constantly flirting with him and talking with him and after a couple of months I saw them kissing in front of my eyes.

Above this there was another girl who only had philosophy classes with me who would often look and smile at me and even talk to me sometimes and smile at me while she's talking. (While a lot of other people who share all my classes never talk to me)
Then she did the same thing, about six months into the year she would start flirting and talking with another guy and a while later I saw them kissing each other as well.

If a girl looks and or smiles at me does that mean she likes me? Or is it just kindness? Do girls do this with everyone? What happened here? Please help me explain, I understand that you probably cannot relate to this problem of mine but because of my syndrome I keep on repeating the scenarios in my head trying to explain them. I am completely obsessed by it and it's the cause of my depression. If you can help me explain this I can probably move on. It doesn’t matter if these girls did not like me, I don’t want any of them anymore anyway but I just need to know what happened here.




Well-known member
Thx for your resopnse.

The strange thing is that they are still looking at me and all of that. I dont understand?
Just last week that last girl was staring at me and then smiling I am really confused!




Well-known member
Maarten said:
Thx for your resopnse.

The strange thing is that they are still looking at me and all of that. I dont understand?
Just last week that last girl was staring at me and then smiling I am really confused!


hey Maarten :) ...i think you're a really nice looking young man..perhaps you're someone they'd like to get to know..and that's likely why these girls are looking at you..and smiling..that's my best guess :wink:


Well-known member
Thx Maggie, you are very kind.

But if they liked me and want to get to know me why don’t they do that? Further then that it sounds reasonable. There I was thinking they wanted to marry and have my children or something lol.
I guess when you have SA and don’t have much in life you start to enlarge those small things out of proportion.




Well maybe they want u to make the first really shy and id never do that to a guy so maybe u could even tho its really hard its probly better than wondering wat could have happened