Plan B... no more weekends alone


Well-known member
It's Friday night, i was walking home from work and noticed all the groups of people, and beautiful girls all decked out, everyone laughing and excited the weekend is finally here. People are gonna be having a blast tonight, getting loaded, with all their friends, or just doing something else interesting.
I'll be at home, on the couch, for the hundredth time - myself and my guitar and the tv of course.

This is a fucking shit life. And i'm just a waste of human flesh sitting here.
It's not in our nature to exist this way. So i've decided...
I'm 22... and i'm getting thoughts now like never before that I should just join the goddamn Army and go fight... and live and feel SOMETHING...
I'll get in shape, learn to fight, learn some discipline...
become a 'real man' with a 'real purpose'....
I don't know what else to do. I have had so many dreams about the future and finding a girlfriend and being a touring musician.
It's bullshit. I'll sit here for years on end and it will Never happen.
I can make the army happen Tommorow....right now if I want to!

Who else has had thoughts of just saying fuck it and enlisting?
Isn't that a better life, an honorable life, compared to being zero?


Well-known member
I never managed to get into the army due to medical issues (even though I actually was very keen on the concept of working with specially trained dogs), so I don't really have any experience from the inside here. However, are you sure this is the way to solve the problems? I mean, you mention it being a "honorable" life, so I guess you think of something more than regular training for a while, then go back home. If so, then think through the whole thing at least a few more times. Tons of soldiers go through hell when they come back home, they have issues with living a normal life again, have panic attacks every time they hear the sirens of an ambulance or struggle with memories of rather horrible things.

See if you can maybe enlist for a single year or so with training, without being sent anywhere. I honestly can't imagine how running around in some forsaken hellhole on the other side of the planet can do much good for anyone.

Or even better, consider things like fire fighting or working in the police force, and jump into it with the attitude you are already showing, your desire to have a "honorable life".


Well-known member
Your not the only one who has thought they're wasting their life. I've considered joining the army too because of this reason. It would bring a purpose in my life and others would finally give me the respect I want from them. Even though I've thought about it a lot I could never actually do it because I wouldn't be able to be around people I don't know let alone be in another country with no one I knew. I don't go out much either and it pisses me off to always hear about other people going out and having a great time while I sit at home all weekend.


Well-known member
Sometimes I have these strong feelings to go out there a do something (travel somewhere exotic, what have you). I can't say I have had any urge to join the army, but I can deifnitely relate to the feeling of wanting to live and do something worthwhile and exciting.


Damn dude you sound just like me.. VERY like me... You should really research the army before you go though because once you sign they have you for 4 years.. Once you researched and if that's something you wanna do then go for it. I'm 20 and pretty much in the same boat that you are. I'm kinda use to the alone on the weekends though. It don't bother me that much because I'm always on the computer and distracted and it makes me feel good. Google self-improvement tips and stuff. You already are a man, just a man that feels he needs improvement. Start slowly, join a gym... Start talking to more random people. Be more friendly.. Etc. I'm in the stage of my life where I'm trying to monitor myself and give myself feedback so I can improve. Talk to yourself. I'm single too but I want to keep improving as much as possible before I do date. You won't be single forever. Stay positive man and slowly improve yourself. One thing at a time! I downloaded the linden method free and it seems to be good, you should consider it.
Nah, I don't have the motivation to do something like that. But I'm only 17, so I'm still at the stage where I feel that there's still some hope for my future.


Well-known member
I know exactly how your feeling. Most people with social anxiety feel this way. We feel like we are wasting away and want desperately to change. I wouldn't make any quick decisions. I wanted to join the army to feel purpose and better about myself. And respect from others.My father was in the navy. I would of went through hell to achieve it, but i didn't get in due to medical reasons. Now I'm kind of glad I didn't. My pulse rate was sky high through the whole physical exam which practically lasted 5 hours.

You have to figure out what goals are in your capability of achieveing. I also thought about being a police officer or fireman. But i know I can't being the way I am. But it doesn't mean we can't have happy,successful lives doing other things.


Active member
I'll admit that I said "fuck it" and enlisted. Coming from experience joining the military will not change the way you are, it might even make it a lot worse. No one can change you except you. The Army doesn't make you more of a man than you already are. If joining the Army is truly a life goal for you then yea go for it but it is still not an escape from your problems.