Pissed off with people making fun of me cos of my SA...


Active member
ughh.. I am seriously considering leaving sixth form cos I just can't handle it right now.. I have enough crap to deal with with all my deadlines for work and stuff without having people always taking the piss out of me cos I get so nervous all the time..

It was so embarassing today, when I was in the sixth form area and I walked past this group of girls, and one of them whos like really loud/outgoing calls my name.. so then I get that sickening feeling and her friends on the table (about 10 of them) are all like looking at me and sniggering and she goes 'did it hurt... when you fell from heaven?!' then they all burst out laughing cos they were obviously trying to see me get embarassed, I just stood there for a few moments I didn't say anything I was just like er-umm.. and went bright bright red in the face and they were all still laughing and watching as I went red so I just kinda edged away.. then I could hear them still laughing and going like 'awww!' and talking about it when I'd gone..

ughh I get shit like this from loadsa people at school :/ They think it's hilarious that I am so shy but don't realise how much it hurts and plunges me back down again when I begin to think I'm recovering from SA..


Well-known member
they are just idiot bastards. you shldnt even worry about that. they are really dumb to make fun on this. why do you care those people so much?


Well-known member
I wouldn't leave school because of these stupid incidents. I would stick it out. That's what I did. Actually, all this shit really fucked me up, but what is the alternative? Leaving?


Well-known member
that "fall from heaven" thing means your an angel & in this day & age its good to have a nice genuine person like you around

dont let them get to you, cus then they've won
have u ever confronted her? ask her why does she always want to embarass you, if she says she doesnt then say that u get the impression she does & can she stop doing it, if she doesnt then you've good reason to go to head of year or something, they're just bullies, the lowest of the low, so shes prob frigged up in some way that what she says just isnt true, so keep saying to urself "shes full of crap", cus she IS! :)


Active member
lol yeh but basically she just said it so she and her friends could laugh at my reaction, she didn't mean anything by it she was jus trying to embarass me

I will try to ignore it all I guess.. argh it's hard though wish I could just stop caring what people think of me! :?


Well-known member
No, I honestly think you are misinterrputing it. Unless you can provide she is a total fucking asshole, than she probably likes you but hints at this way.


Yeah when you're young, the girl/guy that always gives you a hard time probably has a crush on you. At least that's my experience....



Well-known member
I think you might have exaggerated it. It's not like they were trying to humiliate and strip you down. They were just being silly


Well-known member
Probably likes you Winter!! Perhaps you should talk to her.. One on one she is probably totally shy. Who knows!!