People are messed.


Well-known member
Ok, so I guess I'm on here just to rant and rave about HOW ****ED UP PEOPLE ARE ! I mean, honestly. why is are society so messed. People are always playing mind games. I hate it. If your not completely perfect, your thrown away like trash. Does anyone else feel if you make one mistake in society that everyone will be at your throat.. waiting to bleed you dry. ( I know I'm a little dramatic.) People are such vultures, just waiting for you to die, so they can eat you alive. :mad:


Well-known member
Nom nom nom.

Some people are like that, indeed. Nothing you do is good enough, they're always better... And all the judging. Some people definitely are messed.

But there are the ones who aren't messed! Most of the time, negative things are more
documented than positive things. War? Let's do an hour long segment on the news everyday! Man saves kid's life? Let's squeeze him in somewhere. There's tons of negative shizz in the world, but also tons of positive. It's just not talked about as much.

Anyways, that's just my opinion, and I don't think that made much sense. Oh well!

Good day!


Well-known member
The world is what you make out of it.
Yes, there are many deranged, greedy, ego-centric people in the world.

But, there are, as okcancel said, many, many good people in the world.
These people aren't always noticed, because the bad get more attention from everyone.
Negativity always will get the spotlight. It seems priority.

If you try to focus on the positivity in the world, and you try surrounding yourself (not literally) with positive people, the good things in the world will shine through.

If we heard about more good things people do, or try to do, it will equal the negatives.
There are the same amount of good things, as there are bad.
The world isn't a perfect place.
It never will be, and never has been.


Well-known member
Helmaninquiel is not actually the people, the problem is the disorder and what it has you to believe.

Granted there are messed up &^$$& but the disorder will may you feel insecure etc and have your forming ideas which in turn feeds the disorder.

When we don't do so well the disorder has a field day and runs riot with out head.
Like you said you make one mistake and the disorder comes down hard on you, and you play this over and over in your mind.

So don't blame all the people, don't blame yourself, see the disorder as a seperate identity and blame that! and more importantly try to see how your controlled by the disorder to default it.

Kind regards Darryl
People always have something to complain about ,don't let it bother you!
It's like a curse, people judgements, bad comments, rude words, negative thinking, it happens all the time, but believe me, everyone does suffer from negative thinking, it's just the way you cope with it, and some people suffer by mean people throwing words at you or even worse, of bullying and sh*t! those people don't know what respect is about, but hey, try to show them you are different than all these stuff, you have sa, and your fighting right? that's something to be proud about, think about it.

Try to be positive, cheer other people up, and most important, cheer yourself up!!^^ Don't let those people bother you, they have a problem, if they don't accept you, they are not worth your time, their just too picky to be open-minded to someone who's just the way he is, the judgment, point of view of their eyes, are just swallow, unfair, and disrespectful! don't let them stand in your way ;), you are YOU! :)
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Well-known member
It is a messed world. I've always gotten to the point with people where I won't even move during something i'm meant to do. Just so I don't get judged with more than one opinion. People are horrible creatures, doomed to violence and hatred. Whether that be physical or not. Although I agree with saskia. It's all about you, don't let others get to you and you'll be fine. :D


Well-known member
I think everyones missing the point!

I know you mean well as do I, but the problem is the disorder.

Everyday people make mistakes and carry on... we make mistakes and beat ourselves over it.
When we face the disorder trying to be strong it comes back harder, so out of anxietys, fear whatever we blame others when we should be blaming the disorder.

Sure some everyday do say the wrong thing... just like us!


Well-known member
Hi positive posts... You are so very positive and realistic

(Oops, not sarcasm. That sounded like it could have easily been mistaken)


Well-known member
Yeah you're right, a lot of people are messed up. But you can't keep blaming other people, it won't help you.
I used to do it all the time until I realised that, by my logic, almost everybody was a pain and in the wrong. And then I realised that it was partially my faulty for being so judgemental. There was a common denominator in all of it and that was me. I was so quick to blame others, but maybe that was just my avoidant way of accepting that I had a problem.
There is plenty of good out there, and a lot of times there are good people who wouldn't even begin to think of judging others.
You have to learn how to better yourself, and find your inner peace. You have to realise what you don't like about yourself and work on it. If you do that, what people think won't matter, and you'll learn to much more easily disregard those people who are nasty.

Edit: Just reading that back - I hope it doesn't come across as me trying to say its your fault. Its not, but like Darryl has said, its the disorder and how it makes you deal with things that makes you feel like you do. You need to accept that its the disorder and work out how to solve that, which may or may not include changing some of your thoughts and practices. The happier you are with yourself, the less anxious you'll be about what other people think.

Its like, somebody could accuse you of stealing an apple from a shop. If you stole it, you'll feel guilt. If you didn't steal it - you won't care - your conscious is clear!
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Well-known member
I think everyones missing the point!

I know you mean well as do I, but the problem is the disorder.

Everyday people make mistakes and carry on... we make mistakes and beat ourselves over it.
When we face the disorder trying to be strong it comes back harder, so out of anxietys, fear whatever we blame others when we should be blaming the disorder.

Sure some everyday do say the wrong thing... just like us!

But it's not always a person with a disorder. It could be regular people. I've seen life tear my own family members to peices. Shred them. For one.. tiny.. mistake.. Life is a bloodthirsty demon, and if you endulge it. It won't stop or hesitate.


Well-known member
...I mean, honestly. why is are society so messed. People are always playing mind games. I hate it. If your not completely perfect, your thrown away like trash...

aren't you doing here exactly what you are saying you disapprove of in others?

other people and society are not perfect, and because of this you "hate" them and dismiss them

which came first, the chicken or the egg?


Well-known member
Yeah, hehe Coyote, we are all 'messed up' I guess... Some people more so, and in different ways... akh..

Not feeling so cheerful these days either...

I think it's important to accept own and others' imperfections, not always easy to do so...
It depends what kind of environment you're in too... Some people and some situations are more difficult than others... I mean, if you're a rocket scientist or something, what you do *is* pretty important and small mistakes can cause billions, you know?

I'm not sure if these are all true (worth looking up if you wanna): The 7 Most Disastrous Typos Of All Time |

Oh, and part of being SA is the 'lies' in your head telling you things or people or you are worse than they really are, ya know?
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Well-known member
Personally I can't help but feel like people should innately be good, but because of a mess of how things have played out over time, people still want to be good but for some reason, they can't, or they don't know how, or whatever.

It's often in cycles. Bullies are bullied themselves (either by other bullies or by their own parents), abusive parents had abusive parents themselves, pedophiles were molested by other pedophiles, not saying this is true in all cases, but shockingly true in a large number of cases.

People seem to be messed up. Perhaps they are. I personally can't help but think, however, that there's a reason behind it. Even people who just demean us for being social phobic, I feel, just don't understand, not necessarily because they choose not to understand, but because out of ignorance they don't understand; they don't even know that they come across as hurtful. And if they knew they did, likely they wouldn't persist. If they did, they'd have such a low level of empathy, and sadism, that anyone ordinary would think they had problems anyways. Problems caused by what? Well, yeah.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it's something that gives me a reason to keep going on.


Well-known member
Sounds about right. 95% of the people I have met in the last 5 years have been completely awful, 100% of the people I have met in the last year have. (including part of this year). I have just decided to assume everyone is going to screw you over. I'm too ****ing old for this **** to be dealing with the same crap I've dealt with in HS (life is just High School repeatedly right?). I'm doing giving people second chances, because I keep doing that, and they don't deserve it, and they keep screwing you over and over again.

Seems you cant be nice to anyone without them turning you into a door mat


Well-known member
Sounds about right. 95% of the people I have met in the last 5 years have been completely awful, 100% of the people I have met in the last year have. (including part of this year). I have just decided to assume everyone is going to screw you over. I'm too ****ing old for this **** to be dealing with the same crap I've dealt with in HS (life is just High School repeatedly right?). I'm doing giving people second chances, because I keep doing that, and they don't deserve it, and they keep screwing you over and over again.

Seems you cant be nice to anyone without them turning you into a door mat

Hey Duraldo, you need some well wishes:):):)

When we don't do so well our theshold for everyday comments is next to nothing.

The happier we are the more we can tolerate and the more it doesn't mean doesn't matter.

I say this with respect, kindness and with well wishes.

Kind Regards
Hey Duraldo, you need some well wishes:):):)

When we don't do so well our theshold for everyday comments is next to nothing.

The happier we are the more we can tolerate and the more it doesn't mean doesn't matter.

I say this with respect, kindness and with well wishes.

Kind Regards

I'll second this. Especially the bold.