parents suck


Well-known member
grr. so i just got off the phone with my dad who i told about my ocd about 2 months ago. he said i should talk about it more instead of taking drugs. i heard him and said " yeah, i guess, but it's not easy to talk about. last week at dinner with my friends, they noticed me moving the salt and pepper around. i didnt want to tell them about my ocd" my dad said "o i always rearrange the table too; i move the flowers and candle and such to make it look better". he changed subjects right away. i know it doesnt seem like much, but he keeps telling me to have some funto help my depression. ive told him before im not depressed, ocd does not = depression, but he deoesnt get it.

i know its hard for my parents to understand, but man! im so sick of them trivializing it.

any experience with this?


Well-known member
Weeell, I've had a pretty rough night with my dad. @___@

Nearly got thrown out and sent back to my mum's- and I would NOT be able to live there, it's dirty. Not dirty in the sense of dust and dirt, but I feel it is. Hand-washing OCD fucking sucks. I'd like to have my old OCD back, thanks. Everything equal.

But, really, I don't even remember over half of tonight's spat with my dad already and it was hardly an hour ago. D<


New member
People can look at something like a cut or a broken bone and see where it needs to heal so it is easy to quanitfy the problem for them. Most cannot see or choose to ignore the issues a person with OCD has to deal with and either tried to related with the "oh i'm so ocd about..." or they take the "cold turkey" approach and say, "Well just shut the door once and be done with it".

My parents with whom I am very close do not know the full extent of what I deal with daily and quite honestly it's easier for me if they don't because people just don't cope well with a perceived "mental" problem.

Take Care.

They need to understand that a person with OCD is not broken, is nothing to be ashamed of and needs little more than understanding.


Yeah ive had that growing up alot too, it was quite damaging to my self esteem.

But the good news is O.C.D. is totally treatable. I highly recomend anyone with OCD to practice the skills of "mindfulness" its quite a help.
