Panic Attacks in Detail


New member
I Have recently wrote a very detailed blog about living with panic attacks and agoraphobia. I have talked about everything from My First Panic attack, medications, therapies, relationships etc and i hope you'll take the time to read it.

I think it would be helpful to anyone who has just started to have panic attacks and doesnt understand whats happening to them.

you can check it out at

I would also be interested in hearing anyone elses stories. Its always great to talk with people you can relate to.



New member
Hey Lynn,

Thanks for sharing that info. Appreciate it.
Wow so you have been dealing with it for 8 years? That is a long time!


Well-known member
I read a lot of the blogs on your website. I think it's great what you are doing to help yourself and others. Thank you so much for sharing your stories.


Active member
heart pounding slightly then normal from anxiety

i was just wondering since im new to this whole panic attack and anxiety thing. but i already had an EKG checked on my heart and other stuff. blood work, my lungs, and i am perfectly healthy. but my question is, is it normal to have a slightly faster heart race everyday or slighter pounding that would last all day, or mostly at night, even if im on medication for anxiety?

its actually just been happening for the past three days. like this constant on and off thing of my heart poudning slightly harder. it doesnt feel dangerous just actually really annoying,

im taking Alprazolam, which i think works similar to Xanax, and i know that it doesnt cause the heart to race or beat a little harder. i was wondering if there was an anxiety medication that can actually control the heart rate too?

i realized that there are so many darn pills out there!!!!!!!!

im hoping that this is a temporary thing and will go away. its only been two weeks since my anxiety or panic attacks have been happening.

i use to suffer with social anxiety but overcame that. but i also realized that i have always been a person that worries. but anyway, if you can give me advice, that would be great! thanks to everyone out there!