Over Annalyzing.


Well-known member
I over analyze everything I say and what other people say to me. I think its my main factor in SA. Just say someone says something to me weather they're joking with me or they are serious, or whatever, I'll hear it and days later think about it and turn it into something something negative. Weather its about me or how someone feels about me. Its like I take certain things people say or do and turn them against myself by over thinking them. Anyone else do this?


Well-known member
Yep. Drives me crazy. If you're in a real fit of over-analysing meditating can help calm the thoughts down.

I don't think we're thinking any more than others though but just focusing on what's in our heads instead of what's happening in reality. My CBT therapist said alot of people who overanalyse like this have problems with memory/recall, which I definitely do. Always over-thinking things instead of noticing where I'm putting things, directions people have given me, etc


Active member
yes, this drives me nuts. I've been trying to realize when I do this and then dismiss it. It's a useless thought process. I'm sick of it.
Yep, all the time! Someone says something in passing, something they probably won't even remember saying the next day, and I'll spend ages thinking about it...and then I'll usually decide they were saying something negative towards me and get upset about it!
Aw jees! :lol:


Well-known member
I over analyze everything too. I'm always afraid i said or did something bad when i know i didn't. Weird how that works.


Well-known member
I always over analyze what I say. Thinking about how people will react to it. It can bother me for days :x
That's why I'm not so active at message boards either


Well-known member
stardog said:
My CBT therapist said alot of people who overanalyse like this have problems with memory/recall, which I definitely do. Always over-thinking things instead of noticing where I'm putting things, directions people have given me, etc

Hmm, this explains a lot for me.


Active member
ugh! i feel the same way,every little social situation that i encounter i autmatically over think it and only think about anything negative that may have happened.


Active member

It drives my friends nuts!!! That is, the few friends i have allowed to know the real part of me (i used to use the social butterfly facade in high school and college).
They are always telling me that i'm over-thinking things, and that that is why i get myself so worked up and upset. It doesn't even have to be about things that have anything to do with me? I'll pver-think about all the cars in the parking lot of an apartment complex in the middle of the day!!

But when the comment, good or bad, is about me that it is the worst. I don't trust anything good said, and i hate myself for every bad things said (weather it's true and logical or not). I question what people mean behind every word that they say so me. I'm always assuming that the person meant something mean and were just rying to doll it up a bit. I am certain all the time that everyone hates me and/or is pissed off at me about something. I freak out when i don't clean the dishes that aren't mine in the sink because i feel like my roommates are expecting it of me-- even if they havn't said anything.
I think that people are constantly talking about me behind my back... But that is more paranoya than over-analizing.

My cousin says it's because i'm too smart for my own good and have had to live a life reading between the lines of my abusive family. Such makes sense. Even when i get a compliment (sometimes that is the worset), i turn it into something ugly. I usually think about how much that person doesn't know and figure that if they did know, they wouldn't possibly give the compliment.

i feel like i'm rambling.

today is sooooo not a good day. :(


Active member
Yea, I do this too.

What really gets me is that I remember some things for a very long time and they become recurring memories that never go away. It's quite unpleasant. Every humiliating experience in my life from childhood to now. Something will set off one memory and all the rest come flashing through my mind with it like they are all connected to each other. Which includes things people have said to me, about me, that I've read very far into.


Well-known member
jiujitsu said:
Yea, I do this too.

What really gets me is that I remember some things for a very long time and they become recurring memories that never go away. It's quite unpleasant. Every humiliating experience in my life from childhood to now. Something will set off one memory and all the rest come flashing through my mind with it like they are all connected to each other. Which includes things people have said to me, about me, that I've read very far into.

Heh, yeah...then use them as 'evidence' against yourself to prove you're no good in some new situation? well that's what I do