Old friends?


Well-known member
Anyone here ever try to get back with old friends that you haven't seen for a while? I ask this because after six years the friends that i had at school where the only ones i had, and i'm not sure if it would be good to try to contact people i have not seen for so long. They have moved on with there lives and i haven't i'm not really sure what i would say/how i would explain that i've been suffering from SAD and sitting in a house for so long and the embarrassment that i have not made much of my life yet.


Well-known member
yes im trying to do this right now, im trying to get back in contasct with old friends that i used to have,i had a whole lot when really think about it and i ruined every relationship with all of them by cutting them off, i feel horrible and lonely now but i know its all my fault,im trying to contact them by finding their myspaces and sending text messages to them