OFF TOPIC ( question for the woman )


Well-known member
Does the kind of car that a guy drives give you an impression of him, for example if a guy drives a big fancy sports car does this make him more attrative going on first impressions?


Well-known member
Quite frankly, no, it doesn't make him more attractive to me. And not because I'm not into cars or machines.

Certain stereotypes give off bad vibes - very young men in BMWs and anyone in a overly modded [often poor performance] car. It just reeks of ego. 8O

As for the rest of them, I'm indifferent.

Are you gonna use a sexy car to entice the ladies scottish player? :wink:


Well-known member
black_mamba said:
Are you gonna use a sexy car to entice the ladies scottish player? :wink:

I was just checking out too see if would be a worth while investment :lol:

It was just today i was out for a country drive and all the big fancy cars seemed to have nice looking woman sitting in the pasanger seat with some ugly guy driving and i was thinking to my self about why the woman are with the guys and is it just for their money, i dont mean to stereotype people and i know looks insant eveything it was just an observasion i made


Well-known member

Well I think it will definitely get you more attention from women if you had a flashy car, but think of the type of women you'll be attracting (materialistic? shallow?) Plus it depends what you're after. Women who are only interested in you as a showpiece are more likely to hurt you.

I don't know how the sports car picking up system works though, does anyone? 8O


Well-known member
I know what you mean black_mamba, i wouldnt want someone to like me because of what i have, i would want them to like me for me. But my options for meeting someone are running out, i never socialise and very rarely am i in a position to meet woman i have tried several online ways but they never seem to work for me but thats another story..... :lol:


Well-known member
black_mamba said:
Get back on yer bike. Even I got female attention in my helmet! :lol:


i would love to get back on my bike but i dont have the nerve just now to go through all the cbt stuff again, i even searched the net to see if i could find someone who would sell a fake cbt certificate lol but couldnt find anything,i have my yamaha DT125R sittting in my shed gathering dust
:( cause i cant use it (thanks for reminding me :cry: ) :lol:


Well-known member
Well as soon as I get my licence you can have my cbt certificate. Just remember that it'll involve disguising yourself as me in case any coppers decide to stop you.

Hmm that'll lower your chances with the women, unless you pretend to be a butch lesbian biker on an off-roader. :lol:


Well-known member
[sorry for going completely off-topic!!]

But when I did my 2nd cbt it was only me and one other guy. We'd both ridden before so the whole day went by quite smoothly. I think thats because it was a weekday one though. *shrugs*

So what car did you have in mind?


Well-known member
black_mamba said:
So what car did you have in mind?

I like the new toyota celica as seen here

ive wanted one now for about 2 years but not for the reasons of attracting woman or anything like that :p just because i like the car :wink:

CBT- when i done my CBT the class was full, there where 8 of us i think? i even met a cousin who i didnt know i have lol he was doing his cbt the same day as me now whats the chances of that :D


Well-known member
Thats crazy!! Did you get along with this cousin? My first cbt also had about 8 students. That was insane (mainly because I was so distraught at having failed something that wasn't even a test!)

The celica's definitely changed, take it thats a picof the newest model? Looks good and solid and masculine. :lol:


Well-known member
black_mamba said:
Thats crazy!! Did you get along with this cousin?

The celica's definitely changed, take it thats a picof the newest model? Looks good and solid and masculine. :lol:

Yeh its the newest model, the old one was ok but i like this one the best, so if i buy it does that mean ive pulled with you :wink:

I didnt know he was my cousin until near the end, the guy was going through the list checking our names and he saw the 2 of us with the same surname he asked us if we where related and we both said no.Then afterwards we where talking and thats when we found out, i knew my uncle had a son but i just didnt know who he was as i had never met him. I come from a realy big famliy i have around 65 cousins on my dads side, my gran had 17 kids 8O and my mums side i have 12 cousins then there is second cousins lol but to be truthful i only know about 15 to 20 of them, you think with a big family i would be used to dealing with people and crowds/groups


Well-known member
If I knew more about my own family I could challenge you to a game of 'whos got the most relatives'. (thats got me thinking, I've never met my grandparents, hmm!)

I suggest you watch a film on C4 right now for some pulling tips ( :lol: )

Don't worry, I am kidding. :p


Well-known member
Yeah Van Wilder, fairly funny lots of over the top lewd jokes about sex but best enjoyed whilst stoned. Theres a certain scene in it which is worth watching the entire film for...

Now back to the car, how about a golf buggy instead? :lol:


Well-known member
Ideal bike? Probably a triumph of some sort, but I'm bitter towards them because they assessed me for a placement job which I never got. So my dream bike is anything - I'm not big into specific bikes, but the feeling you get when riding.

Anything but a scooter or another learner bike. Can't wait to get rid of my l-plates. :cry:

And hey golf buggys can have back seats, Van Wilder was driving a 4-seater one with automatic locking. :wink:


Well-known member
I love the new Celicas! I wish I had the funds for one right now.

Back to your question...I also feel that a young guy in a real expensive or modified car indicates that he is a little full of himself. I don't go for guys that drive fancy cars, but they at least need to have something that is tolerable to ride in. Not too loud or likely to break down.


Well-known member
I almost just got my license... a month ago maybe. Hasn't done me any good.... my parents won't get me insurance, so my car sits nicely in the driveway like it's done the past year and a half.

And for guys and what they drive..... I pay no attention. Unless of course, it's a red Nissan... but I didn't know that until he started driving to school... and I guess I shouldn't say too much.