Night Sweats


Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night absolutely drenched in sweat. My bed and sheats were soaking wet too. I was only reminded of it this afternoon when I went to take a nap and my sheats were still wet. Does anyone else have this problem and does it have anything to do with anxiety?


Well-known member
I've also had trouble with nightsweats a couple of times too. I remember sometime in the summer waking up in the morning absolutely drenched in sweat it was almost like I'd been in a swimming pool :eek: My bed was also soaked in sweat too :x I think anxiety does kind of contribute to nightsweats and can make them worse especially when the weather is really hot and sticky anyway.



I have night sweats , almost every night . Sometimes my wife rolls into me in the middle of the night and she gets soaked ! Mine is most likely from my meds .


Well-known member
That's happened to me a couple times. But, it was because I left my electric blanket on high and put a cover over it. It was so disgusting. I had to change everything I was wearing.