New healthy living plan...


Well-known member
I live in Sydney and it was blazing sunshine outside the other was about lunchtime and I had the bed covers over my head to stop the light getting in thinking how much I didn't want to get up....its uni hols so I didn't really need to.

Anyway I thought this is so can't keep doing this...enough!

So im really pushing myself into healthy living this week and Im hoping something will change.

Everyday I have been going for a run
I've stopped eating rubbish and went and bought loads of fruit and veggies
As someone suggested on one of the threads I took their advice and im now drinking 3 pints of water a day.
Im making sure I get up a decent time, even when I don't want to...and then getting plenty of sleep at night (this bit is tricky!!)
I started taking St John's Wort too (just in case it works)

So thats my plan!!! Fingers crossed...i already feel a little more motivated by doing something positive...

Now if only I could bloody talk to people....:D


Congratulations, hope you stick to it for some time ;). I just wanted to say, if you eat a lot of fruits, they are best eaten alone, not in combination with anything else, otherwise is better to leave them out completely. Also, too much fruit (esp. oranges, strawberies etc.) can cause acid stomach, but maybe this is only my case because I´m prone to it. Vegetables usually can be combined with something else, but not with fruits. (Look up the food combination diet). Good luck :).


Well-known member
Thats what I've been doing for the last few months and It makes a huge difference. Make sure you get regular exercise and you'll feel like a new person :)


Well-known member
Major lifestyle changes like this make a huge difference in your life, and almost always for the better. The better diet and increased exercise will put you in a generally more positive mood and will add more energy to your life. Sleeping a regular schedule at the same time of day and for roughly the same amount of hours really helps a ton too. Sleeping too much can actually make you MORE tired than before. So, give yourself a big slap on the back and if you feel like going back to your old habits, just remember that what you are doing is the right thing and that your life will be a ton better because of it. Exercise and a healthy also reduces anxiety in your life as well, so you should notice improvements there too. Great work!


Well-known member
Well I already feel loads better!! :) Have lots more energy and i've been up since early this morning doing loads of things. "Problem" is its now only early evening and I have no where to go with all this energy other than sitting on the!!

Next stage in plan.....get friends!! :D haha


Well-known member
Just make sure you don't oversleep when you say plenty of sleep. Some people only need 6, some need 9.