My Other Half

I wrote this one night after a rough day. I locked myself in my room; it was eerily quiet, but everything inside me was screaming and trying to break away from my struggling. When someone hurts me, I suck it up and walk away for fear of standing up for myself, but I'm angry beyond measure inside, and all I can think about it harming the person who hurt me. Because I'm typically a very kind, respectful, reserved person, I wrote about my anger as if it were another person who cared about me and wanted to avenge me (don't worry, I'm not skizophrenic, nor do I have multiple personality disorder; it's just a way of expressing myself). So, enough blabber. Here's the poem. =]

Internal noise disrupts the disturbing silence surrounding me;
My only friend screams for solace in my mind.
I see him murder those who want to hurt us;
The blood curdling screams of our enemies calms his fuss.
He rips out their souls then watches them die,
While he gazes silently with resentful eyes.
He avenges us both when he kills them slowly --
It feels so good when he possesses me wholly.
He’s my lover, my friend, and the idol I praise.
He’s the brother whose eyes I never escape.
Our souls intertwine like strands of rope;
Unbroken, unhindered – my only hope.
The only problem is that he isn’t real.
He’s only imaginary, something I feel.
But he’s still a part of me, existent inside,
Or perhaps he is me, just another side.


Well-known member
Very nicely written and easy to read, I actually really like it, I can picture it well! It really describes your inner part well and I'm sure most people here can relate to it too. =)


Well-known member
Nice poem! Definitely very expressive and clearly written.

When someone hurts me, I suck it up and walk away for fear of standing up for myself, but I'm angry beyond measure inside, and all I can think about it harming the person who hurt me.
^ I'm exactly like this too. I almost never have the guts to actually stand up for myself. I just take the pain someone causes me and just walk away angry. It sucks. :/
ありがとう;398658 said:
Very nicely written and easy to read, I actually really like it, I can picture it well! It really describes your inner part well and I'm sure most people here can relate to it too. =)

Thanks. :)

And Phoenixx, it totally sucks. Sometimes, I wish I could just not care what people think of me or how they feel and be a total jack*ss when I'm disrespected. Heck, I'd even be okay with just being able to respectfully defend myself against someone. It's much easier said than done though. ::(:


Well-known member
Yeah, it is easier said than done. Hopefully someday we'll be able to reach that point where we just don't give a crap and do what we want with no worries. ;)