My first time in a club - and I went alone!


Well-known member
***updated 2/19/06 see my post below***

So, I drove to a club 45 minutes away from here, where I figured I stood no chance of running into anyone I knew. It's supposed to be one of the best clubs in that area. When I set out, my goal was to talk to one guy and one girl. As I drove, anxiety got the better of me and I chickened out, and lowered my goal to just BEING in the club for an hour. Waiting in line outside wasn't bad, no one in line was talking so I didn't feel out of place or anything. Also, a guy in a group right in front of me was denied entry because his pants were too baggy, which made me feel better.

When I walked in, my first impression was **LOUD**. Also, it wasn't as crowded as I would have expected. The part of the club away from the dance floor, and the lounge upstairs, were both pretty sparsely populated, with most people on or near the dance floor, or lined up around the bars. I felt pretty good at first. I kind of hung out a medium range away from the dance floor. One thing I noticed was that I was the only person wearing khakis in there (seriously). Every other guy had jeans on. D'oh, guess that's what I will do next time. Also, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was easily in the top 50% of guys in looks (though as I said I was 'oddly' dressed relative to the rest of the crowd).

Now, here's the groups of people I observed. Guys were doing one of several things: hanging around in small packs drinking beers, -or- dancing on the dance floor with 1 or more girls, -or- kind of wandering around. Girls were doing: dancing with several other girls, -or- standing and talking with several other girls, -or- dancing with a guy. My purpose of observation was to try to figure out how, next time I go, I could talk to people.

I have to admit I did not figure it out. When I ordered a beer from the bartender, I could barely hear him, and he could barely hear me. I have no clue how to talk to people in a place as loud as that. I have no fvcking idea how all those girls were talking to their friends. Is there some trick? A secret? Lip reading?

On the subject of dancing, I was pleasantly surprised to see that most people were bad to average dancers. I mean, I have never danced before but I did read up on it for an hour or two before I went, and when I was kind of grooving by myself I felt like I was doing it at least as well as 40th percentile. That's good, confidence building.

After an hour, I left, as I was getting more uncomfortable since I had stood in just about every place it felt okay to stand in. And I had also 'faked' sending some text messages on my phone so I could look like I was occupied with something. Also, I'm quite tall, so it's hard to 'get lost' in a crowd. Anyway, as I was walking out and crossing the street, this carload of girls pulls up and this girl yells "shake your laffy taffy". So I did, and they cheered and drove off. Haha. That felt good.

Anyway, to sum up: clubs - not as scary as I had thought, but very, very loud.
Well done! That was very brave. I don't think clubs are as scary as people think, I go clubbing once in a while, but I really, really don't think I could ever go on my own, so that was really brave.

Talking in clubs takes practice, and I think quite a bit relies on lip reading, and guessing what the other person is saying :p

As for dancing, most people in a club are drunk, and are not good dancers, it doesn't matter how bad you are at dancing (unless you're really extrovert with it, and make yourself stand out a lot, whilst being a bad dancer lol), very few people would actually dance in clubs if it was reserved for those who can actually dance well :lol:

Well done, glad you had a laugh :D


Well-known member
Now, thats what makes a man!
The biggest smile opened in my face while reading it. Must have been a great night. :D
If you happen to return there, dont mind telling us.


Well-known member
Laffy taffy = butt! It's from a song, I think.

I really do feel good today, even though I felt very out of place there. I'm so proud of myself that I was able to walk in there and hang out, because I've read that even very confident people have a hard time going to clubs alone.

I'll definitely fill you guys in on the details if I go next weekend.


Well-known member
Falcon you are the man What pumped you up enough to go through with it, cause that is impressive! :)
Very impressive Falcon, it takes A LOT of guts to do what you did.

I did the same once a few month ago.

I'm a pretty big guy, and I've been out a lot. But I've always been drunk when going out. Doing it alone and sober was very scary.
The club I was going to was 15 minutes down the road. On the way down, a drunk teenager bumped into me and wanted to fight. Luckily his friend was there and pulled him away. But I still got shaken by this, full of adrenalin of course and even more nervous. When I got to the door I was shaking, my eyes were probably going in all directions, and so I thought the guard would see it and wouldn't let me in. He did though, and I entered the club. The club has two floors, and the first wasn't very crowded. I payed a small entry fee and got up to the second floor. It was packed. I put myself in the bar, ordered my first coke and looked out on the dance floor. My only goal was to be in the club until they closed. It was 11pm now, and they closed at 3am.
When I stood waiting for a chance to order my first coke, two girls wanted me to get out of their way so they could get to their friend. However, since I was in line and the place was crowded I didn't want to move. They could just move behind me I told them. Of course they could, and so they did. But now they started to talk shit about me, loud so I could hear it. I ignored them. They had a guy friend come over, and they told him as well. Oh shit, I thought. Now this will really be trouble. Luckily he ignored their request to kick my ass. I started to find it pretty amusing and started to smile. The girls had spend 15-20 minutes talking shit now, and they were getting more and more pissed. I never even looked at them, but when they saw that I smiled they got EVEN more pissed as I heard them say "Look at the Fucker, HES SMILING NOW TOO!" :)
At last they left. I still stood there, and half an hour later I wanted another coke. I turned around and ordered. As I did, I felt something touch my leg. Down near the foot, and it sounded like a glass broke. When I turned around I saw noone looking at me. My jeans were wet from some drink?, it looked as if someone had thrown it at me from behind. I can only guess those girls did it and ran away. Or maybe someone just dropped it, which happens quite often in bars anyways.
Luckily it wasn't a big deal, so I didn't care and kept standing in the bar. I was approached by 2 girls and a couple of guys during the night. But to make it easy on myself I had decided before I went there not to talk to anyone. So I didn't engage them very much. So I stood in the bar for 4 hours straight. After that I went home, proud of myself.

In my entire life it is one of the weirdest things I have ever experienced. Of the 4 hours, I probably felt comfortable for 5 minutes. But I sure will do it again, next time I'll try talking to someone.

Anyways, good luck next time Falcon. I'm looking forward to hearing you report next time!


Well-known member
Hey thats great,and you even danced? i danced once..ONCE! never again,damn you jack daniels! it wasnt so bad as i was hammered but i was told by others the next day that me and my mates who were also dancing there were..well..crap at dancing basicly,lol.Very brave of you to do this alone and so far from a safe area (such as your home) well done.


Well-known member
Falcon, your post could have been written by me. During the very few times I’ve gone to clubs (ALONE), it’s just been to listen to the music and look at people. I was surprised to see that other guys were there doing the same thing. I sure would have liked to see women there alone, but I guess that will never happen as they’ll just get bothered by drunken men.

I-Think, I like the way you handled yourself with those drunk women. Ignoring loud-mouthed people is the best policy. They get so pissed off, though! Lol – but it’s kind of fun watching them lose their minds.


Well-known member
I went again!!!! This makes 2 times!!!

I managed to stay in the club for 70 min before getting freaked out and running off. The loud music was a *lot* less disorienting this time, and that's about all I'm going to say about it - you'll notice that I mention the music in my night #1 report about a zillion times. This time, I managed to just block it out.

I arrived at 11:35. There was no line. I told the bouncer "It's freezing balls out here man" but he just grunted at me and nodded at my ID. Then inside it was still cold since it was by the door, so I told the cashier girl "I hope it's warmer over there *nod toward interior*" she diffidently replied "I'm sure it is". Ugh, two social interactions going poorly so far, but at least I made an effort.

I managed to feel MUCH less awkward standing around by myself this time. I got into the music a little and did some head nods, hip movement, etc. I did sip two beers. I simply could not summon the courage to approach any guys or girls. I did ask a guy the time, lol.

Here are two questions I want to ask you. I am going to be as detailed as possible, so bear with me. When you give advice, please bear in mind I have never kissed a girl let alone even held hands.

#1) I was standing by myself in a corner, just off the dance floor. I was separated from the dance floor by a railing. To the left side of me was another guy just kind of standing. To the right of me was a couple feet of space, and some other people in a group. Behind me was about 4-6 feet of open area along with a small bar for resting drinks. Now, I'm just kind of moving a little to the music, and I feel something tap behind me. I turn my head around and there's a seriously cute girl dancing there. She's looking straight ahead (at my back) and does not look up as I turn my head around. I briefly thought she was with the people to my right, but I don't think she was. I totally did not know what to do, so I turned back around (now she is facing my back again) and started dancing a little more. She's not touching me any more, in fact it was just that one tap which felt like it was done with two hands, but might have just been one. After about 1 minute of this (not knowing if she's behind me or not, since I don't turn around again and she doesn't touch me any more) I get freaked out and kind of jive-walk away. PLEASE ANALYZE THIS SITUATION. Is it possible that a cute girl just came up and started dancing with me (I am not 'hot' but I am tall and relatively 'handsome', and I'm positive that try as I might I was not projecting good body language)? Did she want to dance? What should I have done?

#2) Later on, I was standing by myself in much the same place as in #1. I was kind of just moving to the music a little. The dance floor rail makes a corner there. I was on one side of the corner, facing towards the rail. There was this girl on the other side of the corner, facing away from it, dancing by herself. I saw her greet some guys who were walking to the bathroom. Over the course of 15 sec or so, she kind of dances over so that she's facing me about a foot away, in between me and the railing. We are now dancing for sure, there is a foot or two between us though. We were like this for 20 sec and I did not look her in the eye or touch her, just kind of tried to dance. Then she kind of eased herself back to where she was and I got freaked and ran off. What was she doing? What did she mean? What should I have done?


Well-known member
Falcon, I have been to crowded clubs a few times, got on the dance floor, and observed the people around me. Just from my observations here is what i think...

1. That girl was probably trying to dance with you or at least show off for you. Some girls in clubs just wanna dance and drink. She was probably drunk and saw a cute guy standing there all alone. The ones that are standing alone, in my opinion, are the most appealing.

2. You shoulda tried to talk to her. My favorite line is "What's your name?" If she answered pretty quick, then that means she's enjoying your company. If she thought you were only slightly interested in her, that's probably why she woulda moved away from you. Us girls are used to guys being all over us at clubs. I've had guys just come up and put their hands on me and dance with me, even though I had never seen them before.


Well-known member
Thank you Angie for your explanation. I am not real quick thinking on my feet, which partially explains why I weirded out.

Remus, it's honestly been soooo much fun trying this. I feel like I'm an anthropologist trying to weasel my way into an alien culture. Last time I felt very out of place. This time I apparently looked comfortable enough that two girls tried to dance with me. Next time, who knows!?? All I know is I'm very excited to try it again this Friday and I will talk to people there, I just know it!!


Well-known member
Respect, Falcon. I think all of us recognise the balls it takes to do what you're doing, not just going to the club, but to stay there for a long while despite the heightened anxiety, and then go back for more the following week.

I really hope you enjoy yourself this Friday, speak to some people and get some good feedback from them.

I've never been a great believer in a cure for SA as being exposing yourself to your fears and staying in the fearful situation until your fear subsides. In my experience, the fear just stays strong, even grows, until I get out of there.

But it sounds like it may be working for you. I can imagine how hopeful this must make you feel.

I reckon you'll be getting laid by mid-March :D .


New member
oh man that thread could have been written by me. I totally know how you feel Girls have hit on me at parties and clubs and either I don't pick up the signals or say or do something to totally f)ck it up. The thing is I'm just not use to getting attention from anyone (especially girls) So when a girl aproaches me I totally freak out. I don't know what to say or do. That girl probably was into you and wanted to dance with you. You could have danced with her. however, if you're not confident with the way you move on the dancefloor I dunno just sorta move your hips and bop your head while you try to strick up a conversation with her. I'm pretty sure that girl was into you I had a similar thing happen to me and I screwed it up. I'm a handsome man (according to alot of girls) however I am a total social phobic and very shy. that repels alot off girls.


New member
oh man that thread could have been written by me. I totally know how you feel Girls have hit on me at parties and clubs and either I don't pick up the signals or say or do something to totally f)ck it up. The thing is I'm just not use to getting attention from anyone (especially girls) So when a girl aproaches me I totally freak out. I don't know what to say or do. That girl probably was into you and wanted to dance with you. You could have danced with her. however, if you're not confident with the way you move on the dancefloor I dunno just sorta move your hips and bop your head while you try to strick up a conversation with her. I'm pretty sure that girl was into you I had a similar thing happen to me and I screwed it up. I'm a handsome man (according to alot of girls) however I am a total social phobic and very shy. that repels alot off girls.