Moving out


Well-known member
A room at my friend's place just opened up. It's nearby, the rent's cheap, I've agreed to it and everything is pretty much set for me to move in any day now. The room sucks (ceiling lower than my head, made out of concrete, no heating) but as you can probably guess, that isn't my biggest concern. There are about 6 other people living in the house and the only one I know is the friend who told me about it. I have no idea how to relate to these people, and I know that I'll have to or else become "that creepy stranger who lives in the basement".

How do I break the ice? How do I get to know them? Do people in group houses even interact much? Will my reclusiveness even make a difference? Am I just being paranoid?


My advice (for what it's worth): Just hang out in the living room while some of them are watching TV. Try to discuss whatever show they are watching.

EDIT: Don't try too hard though...silence is totally ok when watching tv / movies.


i find it easier to talk to a person 1 on 1. If you get a chance to talk to either 1 or 2 person at a time it be easier on the heart.


Well-known member
Congrats on moving out!!

When you have that many people in a house, you're bound to get along with some better than others, so it is natural have an acquaintance-type relationship with some of them. And it really depends how busy people are- regardless if you're really nice, some people really just aren't interested in a new friend, and that's ok.
So the answer is do people in group houses really interact- my experience and what i've heard from other people is not really, atleast not with everybody. If you don't click, a lot of times it can be just a cordial relationship... this can happen even with one roomate, especially if they were strangers before they met.
As for ice breakers, it's always a good idea to introduce yourself and you can ask about house rules or how to use something.
Food is always one way to try to win people over- make cupcakes, nachos, whatever.
And maybe if you're feeling especially gutsy, suggest to your friend that the housemates should get together and do something? but i know that's easier said than done.

and like omnispace said, hang out in communal areas. If you always hang out in your room with the door closed everyday all the time, it's going to be harder for other people to get to know you. And if you have any videogame systems, ask people to play.

I hope it works out!