more details, please


Hi everyone, I don’t have Social Anxiety, but I’ve been reading through your posts and find myself really intrigued. I hope I don’t offend anyone, but I want to know more about it. like what happens when you’re experiencing it? you are afraid to leave the house? You are scared to talk to people? What do you think is going to happen? I am really curious.

I have a friend who I just found out has social anxiety and is going to a therapist for it, and I never would have guessed she has it. does anyone here go to a therapist for it? I swear I’m not weird, and I’m not making fun, I just really don’t understand what happens in your brain when the anxiety takes over. And is it always that you feel this way, or do you feel normal some days?


Well-known member
Imagine facing the fear of death on a daily basis. If you've ever had an ear death experience...thats what its like
Next time (today probably) when you will go for a walk in a park imagine that your muscles are numb, you fell like you are going to faint next second and you are unable to make an eye contact with anyone.......
Panic attacks included of course.Constant blushing,sweating,feeling of unreality, unability to speak when you meet a frend from elementary school...............All i 1 package!!! It is a wonderful feeling!
(I am jokeing, of course)


Well-known member
Its basically a feeling/fear of being completely and utterly humiliated in the presence of other people, sometimes (as in my case), family and friends included

Afraid people are always judging you