Mirtazapin + Venlafaxin + Lithium


Anyone has experience of this combination? I have been on it for more than three months now and I do experience a slight decrese of anxiety, but it doesn´t do much for my depression (yet).


Well-known member
Have you done any CBT or any other therapy alongside it?
Just meds may not be enough, you also need to change your thinking, the way you look at things, and sometimes nutrition and lifestyle changes...
Someone we know cured her depression just by going out for a walk every day!! (*Every day*, her daughter dragged her, every day a little farther... ideally in the sunlight - for vitamin D and melantonin etc.)


To be honest that sounds like a big drug combination I don't think it's needed I wud go for the anti depressant lexapro has done wonders for me and also cbt and self acceptance also nutrician exersize and 6 fish oils per day :)


@Feathers: I have just started Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, which is supposed to contain CBT.
@missjess: I have tried most antidepressants without getting any lasting effect. The psychiatrist I saw as an inpatient for two months this fall was convinced of the benefits of Lithium on top of "California Rocket Fuel" (= mirtazapin + venlafaxin). Maybe this treatment is endemic to Sweden :).


Active member
Anyone has experience of this combination? I have been on it for more than three months now and I do experience a slight decrese of anxiety, but it doesn´t do much for my depression (yet).


Combination of Venlafaxine and Mirtazapine works synergistically, I am now on Mirtazapine 90mg at night, Efexor XR 300mg in the morning.

But the use of Efexor XR to me is as a preventative medication for Chronic Type Tension Headache.

Mirtazapine actually counteracts the side effects from Effexor.
As far as I know, Mirtazapine blocks the 5-HT2 and 5-HT3, therefore it reduces anxiety and has an antiemetic effect.

I tried Lithium, for the purpose of Chronic Headache.
But at that time, I was on Ibuprofen ( a NSAID), and both combination causes edema ( water retention). So my feet looked puffy.
Knowing this, my Psychiatrist stopped Lithium.

This is my experience.
Everyone reacts differently to those medication.

Kind Regards,