Messy home


Well-known member
One of the things I constantly have to deal with but don't do, is KEEPING MY HOME CLEAN.

I feel so much better when my room is in a state of tidyness instead of looking like a junkyard. Sadly, I always let it slide, and then my depression and anxiety and mood swings go through the roof again for a while. Until I am finally so fed up and stressed that I can muster the energy to clean again. It's a vicious cycle.

I don't understand it. A sane mind begins with sane, organised living space. Why don't I take care of myself instead of torturing my mind like this?

I can think of several possible reasons:
Laziness, fatigue (mental, physical), feeling easily overwhelmed, ADD, lack of discipline, not having been raised well enough, etc.
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Well-known member
I wasn't`t so into cleaning up after myself ether in tell I find out that people where also getting in to shape by doing cleaning. I lost to a arm wrestling contest to a person who scrub a lot.


Well-known member
my gripe with myself is that I spend hours worrying about it when it takes a tiny fraction of that time to get the whole job done. :)


Well-known member
I wish I could clean my home but most of the junk lying around belongs to my brother and I know he wouldn't let me mess with his stuff. He keeps piles of papers and clothes around the house which attracts bugs like silverfishes. In the past I asked him to throw away those papers but he refused, and get this, he said paper will become previous valuable commodity in the future! :idontknow: Even when living with him at another place he trashes stuff around and refuses to lift a single finger to help me clean. Plus after I clean, he comes and messes it up so no point in doing so.

Anyway I lost my motivation to clean partly because of him. If you want to clean, start by focusing on one area at a time, i.e. clean the living room today, the dining room tomorrow, etc. Don't try to do too much in one day because you will get tired and lose motivation real fast. And remember that the cleaner your house the less bugs you deal with!


It's very important.

I recently did a big tidy up because I expected an ousider might visit to check for leaks. There are none.

Worst mess is the carpet being covered with reams of paperwork for 2 years since being released from hospital. I tend to keep it because the volume that comes throught the letterbox is awesome and I don't want to ignore. It took 3 days to gather in separate piles and enter contact details and financial records by date into spreadsheets. The carpet is bare. It feels nice.I have limited space. Bedroom, kitchen and all bathroom are always tidy. The big bags of paper felt the same when I broke off all the tiles in the bathroom to retile and clear all the dust into a skip years ago.

I like the idea of American mailboxes at the end if the garden or drive. Then I could set fire to that mailbox when it was full, and buy another one.