Letting things go


Well-known member
Do any of you guys constantly beat yourself up over past mistakes and failures? I do. In retrospect, some of the decisions I have made makes me so pissed at myself, and I can still cringe at things that happened almost twenty years ago! And if something bad happens now, I can mull over it for days.

It's totally useless of course, but how to stop this obsession with things that I can't change anyway? :x


Yeah im kinda the same.Theres a lot of things i hate myself for doing.. and i should just concentrate on here and now,but still my past drags my self worth down.. and i think over past events alot wishing i had done different which just makes it worse.

I guess weve just got to think.. that no one is perfect and anyone can make a mess of things especialy there life.Try and forgive ourselves... and learn from the past instead of using it to beat ourselves up with and make us feel like crap.Easier said than done i know..


cLavain said:
Do any of you guys constantly beat yourself up over past mistakes and failures? :x
YES YES YES.. i still think over conversations or situations i had 10 years ago and think how stupid i was for doing what i did and how i should done things differently. i actually aviod people that are related to certain situations coz i know it will lead me to rethinking things :( i can never let it go.. they say that your the sum of your life experience and for me the negative ones seem to take over.


Well-known member
Definitely yes, especially what I perceive to be make or break events in my life- where if I had opted for the alternative choice at the time, my life would be completely different today.

Your completely right- it is completely pointless, but its really hard not to think about it when you're very unhappy with how you've turned out.


Active member
i feel that way everyday of my life, and at times i do this :cry: everyday became i am very unhappy