Kava Kava for Sweating


Well-known member
Hi all,

I just ordered some Kava Kava to try to improve my problems which is: excessive sweating, anxiety sweating, blushing, palpitation/trembling voice/shaky hands when put under pressure or holding presentation etc.

I have tried many remedies before (see earlier post) including prescription drugs, natural drugs, herbs, acupuncture, yoga/meditation and therapy. All have helped to various extents, but none have solved the problem throughly.

After some readings on natural herbs, I have decided to try Kava Kava this time. It is said to be helpful for anxiety and nervousness, also improving sleep which is very irregular for a restless soul like mine. It has gone through several scientific studies with good results.

People with multiple problems like myself, are more likely to suffer from an overactive Sympathetic Nervous System than people with "one" problem like blushing or sweaty hands only. This because Sympathetic Nervous System has a role in all the symptoms listed in the first paragraph, and me myself have been diagnosed with overactive Sympathetic Nervous System at a hospital after days of different tests and brain scans.

You can make your own Google to find the basic facts on Kava Kava, or ask me if you want to know any specific thing I found out from my readings.

But please add your own experiences/knowledge about this remedy, as to get a discussion going with it. What is bad, good etc.

I ordered those Eclectic Institute, Kava Kava, Whole Lateral Root, 100 Veggie Caps - iHerb.com which is 460 mg per capsule with 10-15 % kavalactones. That means 50-60 mg kavalactones per capsule, so according to dosage I will take 2-3 capsules per day, starting from next week.
I have not tried Kava Kava but I have read a little bit about it and I am curious whether or not it would help with some of the anxiety I often feel. Please let us know if it helps you at all. One thing I have read a few times about Kava Kava is that it is more effective in the form of a tea rather than capsules. So if capsules don't work for you, that may be something to consider. Good luck!