just got my glycopyrrolate 2 mg


Well-known member
I took 2 2mg capsules around 90 minutes ago on an empty stomach and ate 30 minutes after. So far no change in the sweating, maybe it needs build-up... I'll take one 2 mg capsule tomorrow morning and see.

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
I don't think a half hour after eating is long enough to wait after taking them. I wait three hours after taking them plus I take it first thing in the morning so my stomach is empty. I think two hours would be enough. Also I don't think there is a build-up effect with this drug, you're back to a clean slate every day. I'm no expert though. Has anyone else had experience and could say if there is a "build-up" effect?

Forgot to add: I find it takes about three hours to "kick-in" and become dry
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Active member
Yeah I usually try to wait atleast 1 hour before eating if not 2 and I also take mine first thing in the morning on a completely empty stomach. When I first started Robinul I didn't think it worked but after some reading on here I tried it on an empty stomach and wait a couple hours to eat and it works wonders. If I take 4mg in the morning I'm totally dry all day!!! I don't think there's a build up either... I only take Robinul like 2-3 times a week for social events etc. and it always works for me if I take it on an empty stomach and wait a couple hours to eat! Good luck:)


Well-known member
Have you guys tried Monoxidine? I sweat a whole lot less and experience no side effects what so ever. I do sweat, but more at a normal level. As I am writing right now, my hands are completely dry.


Well-known member
Thanks for the tips uber schnitzel n kygirl. I took my first capsule today on an empty stomach and won't eat any thing for at least 90/120 mins. However, even though I wasn't dry yesterday but I have overall body hh and my sweating felt under control I especially noticed it when I went to bed where I usually I'd be dripping. I just want to test glyco to see if and how it really works so that when the times come for it I know how to properly use it. atm I really don't want to use it since I'm too busy sweating at the gym after work to care much about my sweating, so I hope I find some magic in these pills (and I can tell they don't have the REALLY HORRIBLE effects of Ditropan of feeling like you're dead but there and your brain is dead and hardly capable of making up a proper sentence and confusion etc.)

Thanks again guys. I'll experiment around and see. And I'm sure if I use it like you ky just on a as needed basis I won't need a high dose and my body won't get used to it.


Well-known member
stuckwithme I haven't really tried monoxidine. Maybe I'll try it after I sample the glyco if it's available here.


Well-known member
OK, here are my results:

Yesterday I took around 4 mg in the afternoon. Not much effect.

Today I took one 2 mg in the morning on an empty stomach and waited 90 mins before having my breakfast.

Around 5 hours later I hit the gym. I was sweating, but it wasn't my usual sweating. And when I'd rest, the sweating would stop. This **** is working! It works! And let me tell you it works a 100 times better than **** Ditropan/oxybutinin. You'd feel a bit of a dry mouth and throat and dry nasal passage and a bit of a less mental comprehension and a tiny bit of anxiety, but compared to Ditropan's mouth so dry it smells like actual crap, stomach pains, confusion, dead brain, it's NOTHING.

Glycopyrrolate (Avert) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ditropan

I'll quit it for now and keep the bottle aside, I'm just happy I found something that works like a CHARM. Whenever I have something big coming up, maybe a date an important meeting etc. I'll just have my 2mg in the morning on an empty stomach and voila, dry for the day. Mind you I still sweat more than the average person, but it feels much more natural.

To those looking for a fix for their hyperhidrosis, especially if it's overall, this is your best bet.

Good luck all!


Well-known member
Congratulations to finally have found relief. I know the feeling as well - it worked for a while for me when taking Pro-Banthine. Unfortunately though, it obviously do not help the blushing, but hopefully, by the cheer-up effect it will have on our lives, it can also help blushing indirectly.

Rexus, you know a lot about bodybuilding, nutrition and stuff. Can you recommend us some protein drink or likewise that we can take in the morning together with Robinul? Something that will get us going till lunch without disturbing the effect of the medicine?



Well-known member
guys would u happen to know the long term effects of using this medicine? Does it release plenty of free radicals? Will the mental fuzziness affect long term mental capacity? What can be done to reverse the "bad" side effects of the medicine? Thank you all.


Well-known member
Congratulations to finally have found relief. I know the feeling as well - it worked for a while for me when taking Pro-Banthine. Unfortunately though, it obviously do not help the blushing, but hopefully, by the cheer-up effect it will have on our lives, it can also help blushing indirectly.

Rexus, you know a lot about bodybuilding, nutrition and stuff. Can you recommend us some protein drink or likewise that we can take in the morning together with Robinul? Something that will get us going till lunch without disturbing the effect of the medicine?


Hey gri

Well yes you are right the heat is still there and my ears get red I hate this but I'll be back on the chinese herbs for this. They say it takes a while but since I have a pill that helps along there's nthing wrong with trying I really need this heat out.

As for protein drink, I don't understand you? Whey protein is the best out there. Mix it with some soy milk and water for great effect. Soy has a good 6 g of protein per 200 ml so it's great to mix it with whey protein. Get it flavored (chocolate, strawberry, etc.) and it'll negate the bad soy taste. It won't keep you going till lunch and I really don't recommend it in the morning. I recommend it after your workout, but it won't really harm.


Well-known member
when you say it worked for a while with pro banthine, what do you mean? Did it stop working? It's good to give your body a rest from these meds every once in a while anyway so I'm sure if you give it a break then go back they'll work like they first did.


Well-known member
It doesn't cross the brain blood barrier and hence will not damage your brain, affect your memory or likewise. As I have understood it, there are few if even none long term side effect using Robinul/Avert. The temporary drowsiness that is experienced to some, is most likely due to inner dehydration, which will stop the moment that the medicine stops having effect (i.e. the same evening, if taken morning).

Do your own research though. But a Swedish doctor I spoke to on the phone, recommended this as a safe solution - for symptoms, not for cause.


Well-known member
In my case, I was given a Chinese replica of Pro-Banthine, whose quality can be questioned, since the pills swollen up and eventually broke apart inside the box. It worked good sometimes, but it was probably mostly a problem with the quality of that particular medicine.

What I mean is not using a protein drink after training for building muscles, but use some kind of supplement for a breakfast, that will not affect Robinul if you take it in the morning. What I am looking for is basically a meal in a shaker, that will equal a breakfast.


Well-known member
oh, just have a veggie/carbs/protein drink you mean? Just mix some spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, some oatmeal, some soy milk, banana, etc. and drink. Or, why don't you just buy a meal replacement? Both would be good.


Well-known member
Rexus - my point is to avoid broccoli, oat meal or any food at all, since Robinul gives better effect on empty stomach.

I am always eating oat meal in the morning. But if I continue to do so when taking Robinul, it will act negatively on the medicine.

Therefore, I wanted to ask if you no any good meal replacement, that can be taken in the morning together with Robinul, as to give the body energy and at the same time be sure Robinul works as good as possible.



Well-known member
I seriously don't understand. Any nutrient in the case you're talking about will negate the effect of Robinul. IMO, a shake doesn't. It doesn't take a toll on your digestive system and metabolism and it will have much less effect on breaking robinul absorption than hard foods...

If you still think a mixed shake isn't that well, then all you're left with is the option of meal replacement. They usuall come in 40 40 20 carb protein fat ratios. Myoplex makes the best ones out there.


Well-known member
Rexus, glad to hear you have some good results with glyco! I've been taking it daily for 2 weeks and it's been great. But I've only taken 1mg in the morning, 1mg before bedtime. Once I took an extra pill in the afternoon cause I was going somewhere and wanted more protection.

Right now my hands/feet are sweating a bit, maybe because I did not take a pill last night. And I woke up very late today, so I just took one. Already I can feel some effect from the pill but it doesn't instantly dry you. You need to give it some time, and keep the dosage going. Probably after I take a shower I'll be OK for today. But maybe I'll take 1mg more to be sure since I think I'm going out with friends later.

I don't want to have to take this forever -- I'm hoping ionto will work for me. But I'm still waiting to get the machine. And I'll definitely keep some glyco around if I have any special event that I really want to be dry for.


Well-known member
Important safety information:

* Glycopyrrolate may cause drowsiness, dizziness, or blurred vision. These effects may be worse if you take it with alcohol or certain medicines. Use Glycopyrrolate with caution. Do not drive or perform other possibly unsafe tasks until you know how you react to it.
* Glycopyrrolate will add to the effects of alcohol and other depressants. Ask your pharmacist if you have questions about which medicines are depressants.
* Drinking fluids, maintaining good oral hygiene, and sucking on hard sugarless candy can help relieve dry mouth.
* Do not become overheated in hot weather or while being active; heatstroke may occur.
* Use Glycopyrrolate with extreme caution if you have a fever because heatstroke caused by decreased sweating may occur.
* Glycopyrrolate may make your eyes more sensitive to sunlight. It may help to wear sunglasses.