I've noticed that people from the UK say Mum instead of Mom


aye, some of us say "aye" anaw

i say "mum" as most uk people do, i think

or "mummy" when your a kid

anwiy whit are you talking "aboot" as they say in canada:D


Well-known member
Lol, I loved listening to the announcer for the olympic figure skating this year.....Aboot, aboot, aboot. Love it!

Kanye West

Well-known member
Lol why is it hilarious....

I say mummy if im calling her though :D
It sounds like something a 7 year old would say not a full grown woman. It must be a culture thing because I don't here anybody talking like that here. Nothing wrong with it I guess but its funny and slightly cute.
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Well-known member
In Australia we say mum too, or mummy if you're younger. At the moment i'm getting called Mamma from my 1 year old :)


Well-known member
Well now that I really think about it it was more like "aboat" not "aboot", I still thought it was funny since we say "about" with the ow sound.


Staff member
It sounds like something a 7 year old would say not a full grown woman. It must be a culture thing because I don't here anybody talking like that here. Nothing wrong with it I guess but its funny and slightly cute.

I thought yanks/canucks said Mommy?

I heard kids say that in california and my aunt called it my gran (she was in her 20's)