Is anyone else overly worried about what other people are thinking of you?


Well-known member
Just wondering if there was anybody else who felt this way. I try to tell myself the other person is not judging me, but the doubt is always there, that they think I'm weird/stupid or whatever for having done/said something. Usually very minor silly things that you wouldn't even think would cause judgement.
It's become such a routine thing in my mind.
And then I can become very depressed and low about it in the midst of conversation.

Does anyone else feel like this?


Well-known member
Yeah I feel like that all the time,
I don't really see many people
at the moment but with in my
family I've kinda made enemies
with some of them, I just don't
like there views on life and how
miserable they can be especially
towards my mom. I know that
they are very judgmental people
and I don't like them so I don't
talk to them. lol and they don't
take that very well.
Yes, and this causes me to act fake. I have this ALL the time when there is someone else around. It's driving me nuts. I always end up saying awkward things.


Well-known member
Yes, and this causes me to act fake. I have this ALL the time when there is someone else around. It's driving me nuts. I always end up saying awkward things.

It makes me act fake as well. I tell myself that they are really NOT thinking of you though, probably not even noticing you, more concerned with whatever they're doing. Feeling that what you say is awkward I think is connected to low self esteem. And I guess the cause of that is individual to everyone.


Well-known member
I replace worry with facts. I am apparently the brainiest person my friend and wifes friends know. I have an answer for everything and they always ask my advise. I blag my way around subjects I vagely understand and make it seem like I know what I'm talking about and know more than anyone else, just so they don't think I'm stupid or thick. I act intelligent to protect my insecurity.


Well-known member
I replace worry with facts. I am apparently the brainiest person my friend and wifes friends know. I have an answer for everything and they always ask my advise. I blag my way around subjects I vagely understand and make it seem like I know what I'm talking about and know more than anyone else, just so they don't think I'm stupid or thick. I act intelligent to protect my insecurity.

I do this as well though often I don't have the 'info' that I need so I usually stay silent..:/


Well-known member
I'm the exact same way. I always feel like people are staring at me in disapproval and it feels like their eyes themselves are trying to bury themselves within me to see who I really am inside and judge that too. Things like awkward situations and encounters also tend to haunt me days, weeks, months, and sometimes even years after they happen.

Yes, and this causes me to act fake. I have this ALL the time when there is someone else around. It's driving me nuts. I always end up saying awkward things.

^ This is a perfect example of how I am.
If I'm around a peer, especially a woman its worse than males or older people. As a woman I think we are possibly more intuitive and therefore more judgemental so they scare me. No facts behind this fear of course but it doesn't change anything when I'm in the situation. I recently started college again. Only taking one class but boy is it a nightmare being around all these young people. I wish they were all over 50 at least. I wonder if any other people here are more affected by peers. I'm rambling. Its hard to concentrate. I hope this is all coming out right. How will I handle the public speaking class? I plan on taking a full course load next semester that includes a MANDATORY communications class. Tried to take one freshman year of high-school. You can imagine that nightmare. It was before I knew I social anxiety existed. I didn't know what was wrong with me. We were poor and my parents were both heavy smokers so I was nervous about what I was wearing and how I smelled. Just awful.


Well-known member
I'm the exact same way. I always feel like people are staring at me in disapproval and it feels like their eyes themselves are trying to bury themselves within me to see who I really am inside and judge that too. Things like awkward situations and encounters also tend to haunt me days, weeks, months, and sometimes even years after they happen.
^ Well said! I can totally relate. Nearly every time I'm out in public I'm constantly worried of what people are thinking of me. Very rarely do I have those days where I just don't give a crap. I wish I had days like that more often, I usually feel great.

As far as the awkward moments go, yes they can haunt me for years. I still have awful memories of awkward/embarrassing moments that have happened years ago. It's hard for me to let go of those moments. Why? I don't know because they cause me pain, yet I can't just forget about them and blow it off.

Depression Glass

Active member
Always.. As a result, I always wear nice clothes and paste on a big sweet smile and try very hard to be perfect so no one could ever think anything bad about me. But I'm always terrified that people are judging me and thinking I'm a hideous, lumbering, slobbering freak (which is how I see myself).


Well-known member
If I'm around a peer, especially a woman its worse than males or older people. As a woman I think we are possibly more intuitive and therefore more judgemental so they scare me. No facts behind this fear of course but it doesn't change anything when I'm in the situation. I recently started college again. Only taking one class but boy is it a nightmare being around all these young people. I wish they were all over 50 at least. I wonder if any other people here are more affected by peers. I'm rambling. Its hard to concentrate. I hope this is all coming out right. How will I handle the public speaking class? I plan on taking a full course load next semester that includes a MANDATORY communications class. Tried to take one freshman year of high-school. You can imagine that nightmare. It was before I knew I social anxiety existed. I didn't know what was wrong with me. We were poor and my parents were both heavy smokers so I was nervous about what I was wearing and how I smelled. Just awful.

Good luck with your communications class, I hope it goes okay for what it's worth :)
Yes, and this causes me to act fake. I have this ALL the time when there is someone else around. It's driving me nuts. I always end up saying awkward things.

^This is something that I'm dealing with too.It's the exact reason why can never be myself around people.


Well, yes. But just recently, something inside me changed. I don't care as much. I don't know, maybe something finally re-wired itself in my brain after repeated efforts to "re-brainwash" myself ::p: Or whatever. You get my point. I hope.

But yeah, lately I've found that I've lost that sensitivity somewhat.... Only a little, but in this case a little goes a long way. I feel like a separate human being that matters in my own way, separate from them, and so what if they think something about me? AND...? It literally means nothing. It's someone's opinion. Who cares? :)

Of course, it is easier said than done to think and feel that way. I know, because up until just a few days ago, I didn't feel that way. But something changed seemingly inexplicably, and I can't figure out how. But I'm not complaining.