I'm scared to go to lessons tomorrow :(


Well-known member
I got lessons tomorrow and it's only going to be 6 of us there but I don't know anyone there and I'll feel so lonely and scared. It's going to be hard for me to walk in the class and see people staring me. I hate people staring at me!

Ugh, fml. Why am I so stupid?


Well-known member
Heck, and I thought I was weird when I felt uncomfortable walking in to class late w/ everyone staring at me.


Well-known member
The feeling may feel stupid. That doesn't make YOU stupid. It's SA. If I am late to class, I almost can't go for reasons Ryguy mentioned. And I find ppl staring is in head, ppl turn to look but doesn't mean they're thinking anything bad. 6 ppl is a small group but you may enjoy it! Try to keep and open mind. =) Dont worry, whatever happens you'll get through it.


Well-known member
I'm not sure if this would actually work, and its late now, but if there are more it might help to focus as much as possible on the task at hand. When I do this it helps me think of myself as absorbed in what I'm doing instead of weird and quiet.

I went to a salsa dance club on campus recently and I'm still surprised at how well I did at ignoring those around me. I even had to dance with a complete stranger, but since it was lessons and I focused as much as I could on the steps and movements I actually was relatively calm. It also helped that everyone else was doing the same thing I was at the same level during the lessons at least. When the social dance part came around I was out of there.


Well-known member
Just want to say that I felt like that everyday when I was in school/university. I guess university was the hardest, and all I wanted to do was skip classes.. Didn´t take me long to realize I had to quit.
Getting out of the house to leave for a class - I hate it.
People starring - I HATE IT.
Doing group work/discussions - I HATE IT.
Don´t know how u people actually do that stuff.


Active member
I thought I was the one of a kind...
I can never stare at people's eyes when they look at me... It is part of communication and people tend to not talk or pay attention if you don't look in their eyes when speaking.

I honestly don't know how to help, but try elder's advices above.