I'm new here


Hi my name is Julie. About 7 yrs ago my life couldn't have been better, I had a fantastic job, great prospects, I have a wonderful family & we were due to take a well earned holiday to Goa.
Then bang it came suddenly & violently, thats the only way I can describe it. I had been off work for a couple of days feeling very down & I put it down to a virus. When I got back to work someone told me the woman I worked with had been bad mouthing me to everyone, normally I would take it with a pinch of salt & ignore it but I just dropped everything I was doing & walked out. When I got home my boss was ringing me begging for me to go back but I couldn't, I felt strange, panicky & sick. It was one week to our holiday & I tried to think positive but as it got closer I felt more & more anxious.
On the morning of the holiday I flipped out, I cried & begged my hubby to not make me go, he couldn't understand it, we had been before & loved it & I had kept from him how I had been feeling. My sister in law took me to the doctors who wanted to sedate me but I refused. To cut a long story short we went on holiday, had a good time & I thought I would be fine when I got home, wrong everything was worse.
I couldn't leave the house, my heart was thumping, I had the ambulance out twice as I thought I was having heart attack, my family took it in turns to take time off work to care for me & yes I was starting to feel suicidal.
This went on for 3 months until one day my hubby found an article on the net about low blood sugar & how carbs could cause anxiety & panic attacks. I changed my diet & cut out most carbs & just had lots of chicken, fish & dark green veg, after 3 weeks I started to feel better, everything calmed down & I could finally venture out.
2 yrs ago I started taking beta blockers which do stop the heart thumping but I do still have anxiety & panic attacks daily & mainly through the night but they are more bearable as long as I watch what I eat. I do think food plays its part in this condition & having a healthy diet is important.
I don't like talking to people face to face but being on forums & talking to others helps.
Sorry for going on a bit but its nice to get it all out.