I'm Going To Do It!!...


Well-known member
or next week
or next semester
or next year
or when i have time
or when the weather gets better
or when i have the energy
or when i'm not too scared
or when it feels right
or when the stars are in the proper alignment
or when everything is perfect...

I promise.

I will.

Just not right now.





Well-known member
I tell myself the same thing all the time, and never get around to doing what I say I'll do... yea, big time procrastinator. Anyway, I'll get around to doing something about it eventually. Just not now, maybe some other time. I hope you get around to doing whatever it is that you desire to do! :)


Well-known member
I'm going to be trying to figure out what you're doing, but I'll do that later.


not actually Fiona Apple

'cause you know
Timing is everything
and I'm sorta tired right now
and what if it works itself out?
All that extra effort.
I'll do it eventually
when I have to
which must be
like sometime I guess
It'll be easier then.
After I prepare
which will be better
I'll be more ready then.

So I'm going to start preparing!