If we had a SPW party would anyone turn up?


Well-known member
I'm just wondering as we all have SA and other mental illnesses and have difficulties making friends talking to people etc would anyone turn up?

I would


Well-known member
I would love it. It wouldn't help much with SA though, I think. It might be difficult to build up your self-esteem among people who have low self-esteem as well. It would be useful to make us feel less alone though, yes, and find "nice" friends, because most people here are very sensitive.
If we could all start to hang out together often in real life and decide we would try to support each other, and if we became a group of good friends, then yeah, I believe that would definitely cure SA. The thing is, it's impossible, not even just a party, since we all live so far away from each other. We would need to live around the same city.


Well-known member
I would definetly attend, I'm sure it would be exciting to meet everyone here.


Well-known member
I'd like to, but I'd be very anxious having to meet a whole group of new people... knowing me, I probably wouldn't turn up.


Well-known member
would everyone just sit around talking about their problems or would we see any dancing on the dance floor after a few beers?

i would
i would want jelly and ice cream
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Well-known member
I'm not sure if I would be able to muster up the courage to go, but I would like to. I'm afraid I live pretty far away from almost everyone here though.


Well-known member
Honestly, no.

I probably wouldn't show up, although I'd like to. The high levels of coolness would be too intimidating :D


Well-known member
Of course I would turn up for it! =D People here, IMO, are a helluva lot more interesting than many of the idiots I have to put up with around me in reality.


Well-known member
If it was close to me..I definately would...I want some friends in real life here...I only have 1 1/2 friends here... it would be cool because id know everyone feels similar to me..that would make it a little easier i think.