I used to have a lot of warts


All on fingers. I remember counting 11. Mostly on thumbs, all close to nails. How it happened - I'll never know.

There was an Italian girlfriend I had, who I met on Skype.

All was fine, until she started developing warts, and I've never known any hate to that level. I was accused of transferring the warts. Being told that it was my intention, was cruel.

I tried every treatment possible - freezing, or chemicals... Having to wait for days for the stuff to work was a mindkiller. Just if you cut yourself, and the process begins by forming a scab... it's hard to ignore. You just feel like taking action, and tearing it off, so that all looks good, but your body re-heals, forming a scab. Waiting longer gives a much better result. It took months for something of any size to disappear or something else somewhere else to grow...


After about 10 years of this, finding different ways to fix it, something happened...

One day, I woke up. The night before, warts all over - every night ends with treatment, covering with bandages before sleep. The same, every night, for years. In the morning, every single wart was gone. They never re-appeared. No pain. No ugliness. It may have been some new method I tried - not £$£$£$£ spent on marketed chemicals. Something suggested which can be found in the kitchen cupboard. No idea, but it was one moment in life that I even got onto the subject of divine intervention. I'd say something changed in my immune system


ya i hate warts man , have had them on my hands and bottom of feet . tried lots of stuff to get rid o them and they wouldnt leave finally found this thing called wartabater it fires the wart from the inside and got rid of them all within a couple weeks after zapping them once