I just get angry for no reason


Well-known member
I have no idea why but I just seem to do, Im normally really calm and relaxed all the time then Ijust seem to get really really angry for some unkown reason, little things can just set me off, eg a person in front of me at a que, I wont do anything or say anything (as I wouldn't and that would be wrong) but I get this wellup of anger in me from someunknown place.
I have been taking thyroid tablets levyrothyoxine for the last year and they seem to effect me slightly, but my thryroid is kncakerd so i have to take something.
I find that i have to sit down and have something to eat, and a drink or sugary then i am ok and can cope with normal life. -have been tested for diabetes but am fine
but it is really bugging me, for example i was angry all day till 8pm and had no idea why? and just couldnt face being around people so i just shut myself up in my room and worked on my website (see link below), then i was ok, so i left my room had food and chatted and relaxed with my flat mates. which is why i find relationships hard as I dont want to be around anyone when i am like this, and i just say or do the wrong thing.
it is so annoying.

anyone else like this?


Yup... i get really angry at silly little daft things :? And loose it big time... I think its because with all our problems were constantly stressed and just little things can set it off.I mean im 23 and i can throw such a kid's paddy if i get stuck on a level on my xbox :lol: Its quite sad really lol...

And about you saying you noraly feel better when you have eaten? You might not be diabetic.. but you might be get pissed off because your blood sugars are low.. which does make you feel run down and pissed off ect which would explain why eating helps.


Well-known member
I get super angry to. I got into boxing at age 11 to help channel my rage, but 9 years later it hasn't helped much. I got four holes in my apartment wall that I gotta somehow fix before October. I just get so angry and frustrated at the fact that I cant make any gains on having a normal conversation at work or at school.


To show what an idiot I am: I got so angry at work today (for a completely insignificant reason) that I threw my own glasses at the floor, causing one of the lenses to pop out. It took me 15 minutes to find the damn thing. Such a fool, I'm lucky they didn't break right there.


Well-known member
I also have the same problem. I get angy at myself and i start throwing things. I'm also guilty of snapping at my parents which makes me feel bad.


Well-known member
same here dude, for stupid lil stuff to or anything, but it kind of goes away once i drink some coca cola.

Anger is nothing but trapped energy that can't find it's way out. Find the positive outlet inside of you and your heart will sing.

make music, is much pretty much a safe outlet.


Well-known member
I have the same problem. I'll just really angry and mad for no reason, but sometimes it only last for like a few hours or so. There have been times where my friends have been talking about just normal everyday stuff and the sound of them talking will make me so pissed or they'll be playing video games and taking and i'll just get angry for some reason.


If i feel uncomfortable, especially if i see a group of chavs, i feel extremely aggressive, and would easily attack them if provoked. Alot of things piss me off big time.