I finally gave up trying... going for ETS :(


Well-known member
I got an appointment tomorrow for checkup with the ETS surgeon. Any advice on questions I should be asking? I have generalized hh (face, hands, feet, armpits, and even groin) and I heard lots of horror stories concerning compensatory sweating and sense of numbness and hair loss after surgery, but now I'm telling myself that it's a small portion of people. Should I tell him about a certain T section he should cut? Should I avoid T2 for example? What should I avoid. Please someone experienced in the subject help me on this from now till tomorrow. I'm just so tired I tried ever ****ing thing nothing works natural remedies won't stop this nothing will I will have to live with this disaaster everyday of my life so I might make it less of a disaster through ets. Or will I make it worse? God I hate the hand I've been dealt in this life, but I'm going through with this.

Thanks for any and all support. And please don't say DON'T DO ETS you idiot. I reached the end of the line. I'm desperate and can't take it anymore. This is my last chance. Thank you. Lts of love.


Well-known member
You already asked this questions several times here and on the ETS and Reversals forum. The answers wont be any different now. No one can tell you, because nobody know.

If you have decided, then good luck.


Hello,guys,i'm new comer here,i understand you totally.before i wanna ETS for many many times,but give up.i just wanna to say good luck for you.


Well-known member
thanks grimaldi and pboy. I dont remember asking this here or maybe i did a long while ago. on the ets and reversals forum i noticed it's the same 5 persons there that had bad experiences with ets and i think 2 of them had lumbar sympathectomies as well, so i thought maybe someone could share success stories here and some tips. Anyway, thanks for wishing me lck. I'm going ahead with it. I am sure i will update u guys after.


Well-known member
OK I will tell you my advise in brief.

You, like me, have general HH. You will almost certainly end up with compensatory sweating more bothering than anyone that does just sweat from hands or face, or have blushing only.

Over at ETS and reversal yes, there are the same 4-5 people being most active. But, for instance, have a look at the thread called "ALL CLINICS ON THE BOARDS" or likewise, where you have hundreds of people desperately looking for "anything that can bring me back to the state before ETS again." Those guys might not complain, attack or make as much noise as the most active members, but they are still there indeed.

The reason for me not having ETS, apart from knowing I am in the high risk zone for compensatory sweating, is:

1) There will be more efficient methods in the future
2) I would not be able to live with the knowledge that my SNS is destroyed, because that would make me worry about new symptoms all the time. Did I loose hair because of the operation? Is my heart rate slower because of op? Do I have less feelings? etc.

I would might go for ETS if I was localized sweater or had "blushing only." But with generalized I will indeed have patience. If you want to gamble, go ahead, but keep in mind the stakes are high.


Well-known member
God I am scared again now. :'(

and i'm so ****ing desperate I just don't know what to do anymore

the way i try to convince myself into it is say I don't have a life anyway now, so even if it ends up bad, i'll still be where i am

god i wish i had diabetes, osteoporosis, anything , just not this it's such an emotional pain to deal with every single day i am sure we have dealt with more emotional pain in a year than anyone did their whole lives


Well-known member
what are the efficient methods in he future the one that has to do with magnets seems like it will stay on the drawing board and won't see the light for at least 10 years. it's just so difficult and i've used up ALL my hope (oral meds, botox, alternative medicine of every single sot, iontophoresis, every single thing)


Well-known member
i'm getting botox injections under my arms, where mine is the worst. i fear it will make my face sweat more, which is also pretty bad, but i can carry around a towel to wipe my head


Well-known member
I'll rather wait for 10 years than be ****ed up forever. Let's push the doctors in the other thread that I posted concerning the patents. Call them, spam them, ****ing visit their homes.


Well-known member
Man, I live in ****ing LEBANON BEIRUT. I can't do any frikin thing about it. I tried to call them once but somehow the phone was blocked and I couldn't contact them! Maybe they don't allow calls into the us from here, i just don't ****ing know. All I know is I'm at bottomline now. Maybe i will use all my money to get botox shots tomorrow as a last attempt, maybe this time they will work. If it doesn't i just can't be patient anymore and i'm willing to destroy my ****ing life. :(


Active member
Hey you wrote that you tried ionto and did not work. Can you elaborate on how it did not work. I think you should just focus on your hands for now, which has the largest social aspect. I think the current ETS operations are comparable to how heroin was used as cough medicine for children in 1800s.


Well-known member
I never figured out how the hell it works. I'd have to use it for hours and hours then give up then somehow i see results. When sweating returns i try to maintain it with some sessions but the sweat gets back instead of being maintained. If there is something that worked like ionto and didn't take up your whole life to use and you could know how it works it would be a god send. It's just totally crazy and i can never know how it works. Can you give some input on the subject? When it worked I used it only for my hands, my hands would stop sweating, my armpit sweating decreased substantially, and my feet sweat by around half. However, I started sweating much more from my groin and face. Is this the first case of ionto compensatory sweating? I am also very anxious and shivering all the time and have to take anxiety meds. and some ppl who had ets i hear they are much calmer, so what if ets can actually make me a better person? I'm such a wreck. Thanks all for any support u give. I just broke since yesterday night and can't seem to be able to breathe.


Well-known member
you make a good example with the heroin in the 1800s i kind of agree with it. u can never find ACCURATE studies on the ****ing thing. For a surgery that's been done, let's say, on a million ppl maybe, there should be some ACCURATE things to report for god's sake. Why won't anyon elook at us!??? we live such miserable empty lives, it's worse than cancer. at least if u had cancer u know u're going to die. i'd rather die than have this.


Well-known member
why i broke... i met this girl online she finds me beautiful lovely to talk to we've been talking for 2 months now she's coming in the summer to see me she even wants to get intimate with me and thinks i am going to be great. You're never never ever great if u have this ****ing condition. u can't do anything right. My father has a great business and i learned ZERO things from it i just sweat all the time and can't think of anything or learn anything. **** life


Active member
I think you should give ionto another try, and I also think you may have done it wrong. Also with me (heavy hh), it takes some time to see the results. What I do is I do 1 hour treatments for 7 days and then I would have dry hands after couple of days. And I would do 2 hours per week from then on, without waiting the sweat to come back, otherwise the maintenance would not work and I have to start all over again, or in my case. What I found out is that you have to stick with a plan, that way 2 hours per week is better than 7x24 being sweaty. If you have any questions send me a pm.


Well-known member
well I'm kind of a bit calmer and i am thinking straight headed that i will go to my appointment understand everything about ets fill out the forms everything. Then I'll go and get botox shots for my hands. If they work and dry my hands they will have the same affect as ionto only they will last 2 to 3 months. Botox her is a bit on the cheap side(both hands will cost me around 300), so if it works it's like a better ionto. I hope...


Well-known member
I don't think it's a good idea. You say you have face sweating so you will have to cut T2 to stop sweating there and T2 is the worst level to cut. More risk of Horner's and worse CS I believe. And if you completely stop sweating from the face, armpits and hands that sweat will have to go somewhere else so you might end up with even more feet sweating or even worse.. more groin sweating.

And you live in Lebanon.. the CS will be really bad there because it's really hot.


Well-known member
god if they tell me it's just gonna be MORE AND MORE AND MORE FEET SWEATING I just won't ****ing care. I'll wear 2 socks. I'll even wear 3. I don't frikin care. But the idea of GROIND sweating is horrible. Imagine soaking through ur underpants. No one would want to sleep with me now, imagine with having a sweaty ass and genitals and back and chest and tummy. DRIPPING SWEAT. If only they devise a way to KNOW if you're a good candidate or not. I wish I could get at least 100 numbers of people who did the surgery and call each one and see what went on with them. It would be great.


Well-known member
Please at least try the ionto or the botox again before you actually have surgery.

I've thought about ETS, but the horror stories are so bad that I'm now even more scared to try that. However I'm going to start ionto soon, and if that doesn't work, maybe try Botox, so I'm at a point where I have more options ahead of me. If none of those ever work, maybe I'd be thinking more like you about ETS.


Well-known member
i'm getting botox injections under my arms, where mine is the worst. i fear it will make my face sweat more, which is also pretty bad, but i can carry around a towel to wipe my head

Have you tried Odaban? The stuff works amazingly well for me. I started applying it again recently since the weather is getting hotter. Even when my hands and feet are soaking wet, I can rub my arms and feel that the underarms are still as dry as paper.

They say not to spray TOO much, which is true, but if you have underarm HH really bad, spray on! Also you might try using Certain-Dri AM which you can apply in the morning. That is supposed to provide extra protection throughout the day (after you have the Odaban on overnight).

Just mentioning how well this works for me in case you haven't tried. If you have and it failed for you, I'm sorry, and good luck with Botox. I've read that it is quite effective for underarms.