i dont know what im going to do


Chances are they are nervous inside as well, and by seeing someone else with their guard dropped, they join in. We are social animals by definition. This also means that we influence each others emotions sometimes by not even opening our mouths.

It could be the people you are hanging around with, that they pick up on you really easily. Or just that you emit your nervousness that strongly to everyone.

Either way its nothing to be ashamed of. You have the opportunity to bring people to your level without using words



Well-known member
I had a job and was dismissed after about a week because I made everyone else tense. Part of the problem was that I apologized far too often, but that isn't really important. Basically, yes I have felt what you are feeling, and yes, emotions can be contagious. However, CiunAnam is also right; most of the time many other people are nervous. Just try to relax and try not to over-think things. It also takes at least two people to make a conversation (at least in most cases) so the blame may not rest entirely upon you. In social situations, finding a common ground is a joint effort, in which everyone needs to work together for it to work. It may not always be you who isn't pitching in.