I don't feel my age


Well-known member
Ok I know I'm only 16 and I have a lot of years ahead after me but I just don't think/act like the average 16 year old. Having a gf is my least interest, I could care less about going to the latest party and all those other stuff 16 year olds are obsessed with.

I still act like a little child. And I'm talking about being immature. What I mean is that the stuff that would interest little children, still interest me. I still watch Scooby Doo, Flinstones. Oh and I still play with toys. In fact I'm looking to get a couple Toy Story action figures.

I don't know what it is, but I'm just not in a hurry to grow up and the things that bother other teens just don't bother me. Things guy hanging out in the mall, going to cinemas etc. My SA can be attributed to that but I just really have no interest in hanging out with others and partying.


Well-known member
to me partying in an immature activity but don't worry there will be other parties if you want to go to some someday :)


Well-known member
darkrider, are you an aspie? just wondering. it is silly how media conditions people to believe they need to behave a certain way. and the lines they draw are so narrow.
Good for you, what is bad is being my age feeling older. I would be a kid again if I could, with less responsabilities, annoying problems and all that jazz.

I'm over 20 and I still love playing Genesis games and watching certains cartoons.


Well-known member
I agree.
Its the only place I feel safe really. I can't handel the adult life tbh.
I hate how theres pressure to be a certain way/do certain things at certain ages. I'm going to stay how I want.
aww, you sound so cute! :) .. I think your normal. You are like how teenage kids should be, not being obsessed with kissing frogs.. you sound mature, than alot of 16 years old out there. At least you know the difference, they are living an ignorant life, but your not. You are just being yourself. If it makes you feel better, i was also similiar, i am in my 20's.. but when i was 16, i was obsessed with pokemon, hellokitty's and all things cute! ... You eventually grow out of it.. it will become natural. But if it doesnt, then who cares, its your life..if it makes you happy, then be you and enjoy it!

everyone has embarrasing secrets, i know guys who has a cuddly toy they still keep from when they were a child, or crys alot... toys story actually appeals to alot of people even adults.. lots of adults bring kids along to watch as an excuse to watch it themselves, i know because i heard.

we not robots, we cant all like the same thing, this is good because then your being you. You can totally abandon it, or just grow out of it... but there is no harm.


Well-known member
I feel the same, except I am older, in my early 20s. Prior to SA, when I was in my teens, I was mature well beyond my years, but in recent years I have become more immature, becoming increasingly emotional, childish in handling things, basically, I don't act my age. I just feel very sad, burdened, and uphappy.

A l a n

Active member
Same with me, although for a different reason. I'm about to turn 19 in a couple of months but yet I don't feel like I've accomplished much for my age. I don't have a job nor my license, so school is pretty much the only thing that keeps me active. :)