I don't care who reads this I just need to rant


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I'm in this stupid funk of feeling so absolutely, incredibly horrible about myself and I just can't get out of it. I'm at a university and overwhelmed with school work but also trying to apply for research jobs and summer jobs and I just don't have time for it all and it seems like everybody around me just has their shit SO together and I don't. I always make things harder for myself by putting things off and I hate myself for it. But I can't even concentrate on anything because I'm too unhappy with myself and keep thinking about what a waste of space I am.

For one, I am incredibly socially awkward. This month I've filled out tons and tons of applications for things, and have already had interviews, but my interviews go -terribly- because I'm awkward and weird and not a likable person. I know that people say things like, "If you're qualified and good for the job, that will shine through even though you're awkward, etc" but that doesn't work here because literally every person applying for these jobs has my credentials or is even smarter than me, -and- is more likable and less awkward than I am. I just feel like such a loser because I keep getting turned down by everyone.

On top of that, what I think set me off is that my friend keeps telling me about all of the accomplishments in his life, and I just can't even deal with it, I'm too average. The kicker is that every time I try to tell this person something I've been up to (i.e., nothing but studying), their always like, "Oh that's exciting" but I can 100% tell that he's just trying to be nice. I feel so pathetic.

I'm so so lonely here but I'm too unattractive to find a significant other. I am very weird looking. But then, IF somebody remarkably is desperate enough to choose me, my awkwardness scares them away.

Not to mention, I don't even have the audacity to complain about this because I'm so lucky to even have enough money to be in college. It's just that everyone says that I "have so many opportunities here" but I can't actually pursue any of that because I'm too weird at interviews and never get hired/accepted for things. Meanwhile, I have friends who are taking every opportunity available to them and traveling and dating and doing well school and I am doing none of those things. Like, even though I spend most of my time studying, my grades are still pretty mediocre compared to those around me.

It's just that I'm 20 years old and life is short and I'm young and that means that I'm supposed to be living it up and everything, but I feel so stuck and lost and confused. Since I can't do anything with my degree without grad school, I'll be in school for such a long time and using my precious time on earth just learning and being stressed and comparing myself to others who are better at learning and better at handling stress than I am. Like, there is no point to being alive other than being happy but I'm -not- happy and I'm so angry at myself that I had one job - to be happy - and I'm failing at that too.

Okay, I just needed to type all that out. I don't care who reads this. I should probably get back to the piles of work I have.


I utterly understand those feelings, it's basically the same situation for me, I'm really depressed and I feel like University overwhelm me.

During the day, at classes, I pretend everything it's ok, but it's not.

I'm feel very lonely, my score are getting worse because I had problem studying, I can study only at the library 'cause at home I feel quite sad and I can't actually concentrate...

Anyway, tomorrow another week of fake hope will begin...

sorry for my english, is not my language


Active member
Ahh I'm sorry, I absolutely feel for you. I'm also a college student and feel the exact same way a lot of the time. I'm overwhelmed with work and I don't socialize much; I feel like I'm "missing out" because college kids are "supposed" to be all about the party scene but I just can't bring myself to participate in that kind of thing. I feel very inadequate most of the time, like I'm horrible at everything I do no matter how hard I try––and meanwhile, everyone else is doing important things and succeeding more and I feel totally lost and like I don't know what I'm doing with my life.

I'm also very awkward at job interviews and it's always been hard for me to get jobs. I do have one now, but I consider myself very lucky to have gotten it because I feel like my interview wasn't that good ... but I don't know, maybe there's something comforting about that? That is, we may feel like we're terrible at interviews but we're overanalyzing ourselves somewhat. It is harder to get a job if you have anxiety, but it's not impossible.

I also don't have a significant other and I never have. The closest I got was last year, when I became friends with this one guy who ended up asking me out ... We went on one very casual date and then ... I don't know. We had a school break and didn't communicate that whole time, and when I got back I kind of started avoiding him because I didn't really want to date him––and eventually had to tell him so and that was incredibly awkward. So I relate to the "scaring people away with awkwardness" thing as well––I've only attracted one person in my whole life (that I know of) and I majorly screwed it up by being really anxious/awkward about the whole thing. ... I also think I'm pretty physically unattractive and I assume that's part of why I never seem to attract anyone.

Sorry, I feel like I'm just ranting about myself and this probably isn't all that comforting––although I guess it's somewhat reassuring to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Also, I know it may seem like everyone else completely has their shit together but they probably all have things they're struggling with; everyone has their own difficulties, but some people are better at hiding their stress than others.


Active member
Thanks LayerCake and dragons for the responses!

Dragons, your "ranting" was actually very nice and helpful, so thank you. It's nice to hear about a situation so similar to mine (i.e., dealing with feelings of inadequacy in college) and I definitely agree with you that people are probably a lot less together than they seem. Kind of like you were saying, I think it's difficult to gauge how people are feeling because everybody tries to act like their shit is really together all the time. I think it might have to do with that "fake it til you make it" mentality- if people act like their lives are going somewhere, chances are, their lives -will- go somewhere. But I also don't know what I'm doing with my life, so you aren't alone in that!

I also had a boyfriend once, but I was extremely insecure throughout the entire relationship about whether he liked me/him being friends with other girls, so that kind of put a damper on things. And now it's to the point that my standards are dangerously low. As in, I'm really drawn to unattractive strangers because I think, "Hey, that guy would probably date me, right?"

Now that I've done some work, I feel a lot calmer than before. I have a habit of becoming overwhelmed like this whenever I'm swamped with work and/or sleep deprived -__-