I can't feel my lips when I'm talking to people??


New member
Is this normal? It's not like my lips actually go numb, but I just feel weird. I have to have on lip gloss when I'm talking to people because whenever I feel like I can't feel my lips, I can smack them together and I feel lip gloss there. I really don't know how to explain it....but I think it's just nerves, because I can talk to my family and not feel like this. It's only in social settings with my peers, friends, and strangers. Does anyone else feel like this?
I was once in a job interview, feeling very anxious when I became aware of the sensation of my hands feeling HUGE - it was so weird, so maybe body sensations get distorted with anxiety? At the same interview, at the height of my anxiety, a framed picture fell off the wall behind the three interviewers making them jump. Probably just a coincidence, but I sometimes wonder if it was some sort of psychic thing :confused:


Well-known member
I think I know the feeling but what I mostly get is like my throat locks up and I just can't pitch my voice to sound loud and clear. It's almost as if I'm battling myself to talk to strangers.


Well-known member
I dont get numb lips but what i do get is when im talking sometimes my lips dont move with what im saying its weird.. they tighten up & as im speaking my lips wont move naturally theyre stiff & sometimes wobble like im about to cry, i hate it i even get it speaking to my parents, i think its part SA & part extreme low self esteem