Well-known member
cutefluffykitten said:
i feel alone and loney but im amazed at how many friends i do have on the internet

Thats for the encouragement cfk.

Well now that you said you have many friends on the net, i feel even worse, i know you havent said it to upset me or anything but thats just me, i always want what i dont have and i am ALWAYS JEALOUS of people. Does anyone else have this? I wanna know if its about my sp, probably its just my fucked up personality. I feel pain when i see other people happy, jealousy is killing me.


Well-known member
cutefluffykitten said:
When i was clingy and needy people avoided me, not becuase of who i was but how i came across.

Try being more laid back with your approach to people when making or keeping friends.

Its strange really, ive been told that before, but ive thought "peh, its just him, that cant be the problem with me", and told him that was so rude and bla bla bla, trying to make him feel guilty.... But since you say the same thing, it may be true...

Yeah, i guess thats why im ignored, im too moody, and im being too honest about my feelings i guess, and noone likes the weak...

Edith said:
At least you have a failure to be proud of! and for that I am jealous of you... :evil:

Yay, someone is jealous of me!!! :p Thanks Edith, ur kissed :wink:

Thanks for the replies, really, i feel much better now, it may also be cos of the xanax i just took lol, i love you all :oops:


Well-known member
I was replying to this post when my pc blocked. I feel uncomfortable posting something so I don't do it often. I was about to give up but then I said to myself that I should make an effort and so I did. No clapping , please
You are noticed. This might not be a great eulogy or a eulogy at all but I read all your posts and sometimes I even answer them. So, I'm really sure that what you say is important for certain people. This is valid to everyone. One can't please Greeks and Trojans. You're one of my favourite people here. Feel noticed :D

"Slightly bemused by the total rejection,
Hey You, Hey You,
Came to this world by caesarean section,
Hey You, Hey You,
Dreams of a place with a better selection,
Hey You, Hey You,
Dreams of a face that is pure as perfection,
Hey you
Things aren't what they seem..."


Well-known member
Y said:
cutefluffykitten said:
i feel alone and loney but im amazed at how many friends i do have on the internet

Thats for the encouragement cfk.

Well now that you said you have many friends on the net, i feel even worse, i know you havent said it to upset me or anything but thats just me, i always want what i dont have and i am ALWAYS JEALOUS of people. Does anyone else have this? I wanna know if its about my sp, probably its just my fucked up personality. I feel pain when i see other people happy, jealousy is killing me.
hey Y..you are not alone in that feeling..i am jealous all the time of people; i'm jealous of girls i work with..even though, deep down, i wouldn't want to be them..but for their ability to just be themselves...not ever appearing awkward or self-conscious..and right now, i am so jealous of my younger sister..it's not even funny :evil: ..she's going to college..something i started and couldn't finish..and i don't want to fuckin hear about it from her..and it sounds so mean..her and i get along fine, i'm just so jealous of the fact that she can accomplish this..and i couldn't..and it's totally rude of me to let this affect our relationship :cry:
One of the problems with making friends on the net is so many people on the internet just see it as a bit of fun, they don't make real connections with people. You can't take it personally because they don't really mean to be cruel and reject you. I've made some amazing friends on here (through SA sites mainly) and they really are worth waiting for. Friends in real life do show up sometimes as well, and they are really worth waiting for. Yeah some people have a much easier time making friends than others, but just because you are not one of those people does mean you don't deserve friends x


Well-known member

Thank you all, lol, i feel like a child crying for attention. Ill edit my first post. Topic over...



Active member
cutefluffykitten said:
When i was clingy and needy people avoided me, not becuase of who i was but how i came across.

Try being more laid back with your approach to people when making or keeping friends.

That's good advice. I've made that mistake many many times, and I'm finally starting to change that.

You have to think about what a person wants when you try to start a friendship with them. It's a tough fact, but in the beginning they want hassle-free, emotionally-easy, feel-good fun. And that's not a bad thing; they're not "bad" or "dumb" people for choosing to have an easy, pleasant time rather than an emotionally-intense time. Then later, if the friendship develops, you slowly earn the right to call on them for more emotionally-intense moments. You slowly earn the right to cry on their shoulder once in a while. You slowly earn the right to expect more of their attention and support; to become their priority. But you must earn it with comfortable, hassle-free friendship first.

Your first few interactions with a new person must exhibit the following promise: "I will make you feel relaxed and comfortable. I will not put you under any pressure to respond to me, because we're still strangers and I know I have not yet earned priority. I will not admit having intense feelings for you while you still consider me a stranger, because I know that will make you uncomfortable."

Trouble is, people like us find it very hard to do that. We are inclined to lay heavy emotions on someone as soon as we meet them. We're screaming out for someone to understand us and pay attention to us. We often have quite poor social skills, and not enough understanding of "fun". But you must resist the urge to be emotionally intense!

If you come on too emotionally-strong, too fast, you send the message: "I'm hardly ever going to make you feel relaxed or comfortable. I'll demand priority when you still consider me a stranger, and I'll moan when I don't get it. I will blame you for upsetting me frequently, and presume that I have earned the emotional attachment of a lover or life-long friend, even though we are still relative strangers."

Honestly, that's not inviting. Good friendships can't start with that. Even among two people with social anxiety. I'll admit that two people with SA can understand and support each other, but still.