I am being cyberbullied, plz help


New member
okay this is the reason y i joined, okay u see, some guy from my school created a facebook account with my name and pictures and is pretending to be me!:eek: so he (the imposter) added lots of guys from my class room and from my school as friends, and over there he also wrote bad things and comments about teachers too. But i never even said any of such things. So what should I do??? How can I be helped with this?? plz I need some help ::(: he is alsoo revealiing many things aboutt me in the internet which i would never reveal. I am always under stress and anxiety now :( plz help
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Well-known member
Right, what I'd do is immediately create my own Facebook account and update it just as much as he does, if you don't already. Promote it in a similar fashion to the way he does so that as many people as possible see the comparison between his and yours. Of course, yours wouldn't have incriminating / untrue stuff on it, but that's another issue. Make sure that people can see that one is real and the other fake. That'll undermine the bully.


Well-known member
Treat him like the trolls we get here from time to time, ignore him. The best revenge is living well.

Trouble is that the structure of this issue is a bit different to that of trolls on a board. A troll will be generally unpopular because he's causing almost everybody inconvenience. This bully is just causing Jet inconvenience.

My response about this issue isn't strictly speaking about Jet responding to the threat as asserting his presence. Some might choose to see that as his response to the bully, but it could circumstantially be him just creating his own Facebook profile, independently of anything the bully might do.

By the way, I think it's worth getting in contact with Facebook about the fraud, as Dezzy suggested. I didn't realise you could do that, but I think it's a good way forward.

But regardless, I do think that you should do something about the issue to assert yourself, Jet. You'll feel much stronger for it. Even if all you do is report him to Facebook.


Well-known member
Have you tried to talk to him? Maybe he was just doing it for fun, without any intentions to hurt you. If it doesn't work, well try what said Dezzy94.


New member
thanks but i don't really have time to do all that in face book :( oh god, because I've got to study and do so many other things so sitting in front of my monitor and typing all day long would really be a distraction for my studies :(


Well-known member
Depends, if you feel they're causing you major problems report it to either A) Your teachers/parents, or B) The police. Slander is still slander, even if it's done electronically.


Well-known member
thanks but i don't really have time to do all that in face book :( oh god, because I've got to study and do so many other things so sitting in front of my monitor and typing all day long would really be a distraction for my studies :(

Without wanting to challenge too much on this issue, Facebook doesn't require constant attention, does it? I thought you could just update it, say, once a week if you wanted to.

I'm not talking about living for the Facebook system, just make sure that there's a genuine presence on there. And like I said, that's just one idea. Dezzy's sounds like the best way forward. That shouldn't take too long.


Well-known member
It's not the point though. If somebody is pretending to be her, and make her social life difficult, then she needs help. What she doesn't need to do is use Facebook to try and fight the guy back, as she'll probably lose.

If it's really bothering you I strongly recommend you tell your teachers, you need to make sure you don't get in trouble for what other people are doing, and you tell you're freinds too. If it becomes a serious issue for you then I strongly recommend you tell somebody in an authority position.

False accounts on things like Facebook, used simply for the purpose of bullying somebody, have occasionally had tragic results. So long as people know it's not you you're fine, just make sure they do.


Well-known member
It's not the point though. If somebody is pretending to be her,

Her?! Oops, sorry Jet!

and make her social life difficult, then she needs help. What she doesn't need to do is use Facebook to try and fight the guy back, as she'll probably lose.

The way I see it we are helping in the best way possible. We are all trying to help her to deal with the problem. Jet will be best prepared to deal with situations like this if and when they arise again in future if she knows how to tackle them herself. Sometimes playing the game is part of that.

We can offer support here but we can't solve the problem. Only Jet can. And if she isn't sure how then one thing we can do is to offer suggestions, and that is what I've done. I still hold that one of the best things she can do is to undermine this individual who's decided to try to make her look bad.

And I don't think she'll lose if she does that. That's why I suggested it.

If it's really bothering you I strongly recommend you tell your teachers, you need to make sure you don't get in trouble for what other people are doing, and you tell you're freinds too. If it becomes a serious issue for you then I strongly recommend you tell somebody in an authority position.

True. But you know the way teachers can be - they're not always very keen to get involved with this kind of thing. Maybe they will be, maybe they won't. Informing them may be helpful, but Jet will benefit from taking steps of her own to remedy the problem.


Well-known member
Well, this time, I disagree (slightly) with Satine ::p:. Informing your teachers (and friends) might be useful. Try to solve your problem by your own (like said Satine), but inform your teachers and friends to be sure you won't get any troubles for what is written on this (fake) facebook account.
I'm not sure my message is clearly understable... If you have any doubts about what I'm saying, ask me :D.


forget about it. Or contact Facebook's admin. I think a lot of people are smart enough to figure out that anyone can put anything on Facebook, and that it may not be true. Did you create a separate personal Facebook account full of your own nice, decent and true info and pictures? So if people look 4 ur profile on Facebook they'll see your other, real profile beneath or near the fake one. That will make them realise what's going on. People who start fake Fbook accounts in your name are SERIOUSLY WEIRD. Pathetic. Ignore them theyr cowards...

This should actually inflate your ego, not deflate it :D:cool:
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im pretty sure the teacher will do nothing, what are you going to say? "there is this kid in my class who is pretending to be me and making facebook account of me with fasle information"

i dont think teacher will do anything, informing face book is best idea, it will solve it quick and fast. also approach the bully and ask him to stop, be cool about.

give him an option, he removes it or you will get face book to remove it.

just try that option


Well-known member
The answer seems obvious to me... :confused:

Talk to your guidance counselor, vice principal, or principal. That kid will be in deep shit, and the facebook will be taken down very quickly.


Well-known member
According to Facebook's teams of service someone can't create a profile without authorization

# provide any false personal information in your profile, create more than one profile, transfer your profile, create a profile for anyone other than yourself or create a page without authorization;

So i suggest you should contact Facebook about the issue

Pretty much.

Also, Facebook is ****ing annoying.


Well-known member
im pretty sure the teacher will do nothing, what are you going to say? "there is this kid in my class who is pretending to be me and making facebook account of me with fasle information"

i dont think teacher will do anything, informing face book is best idea, it will solve it quick and fast. also approach the bully and ask him to stop, be cool about.

give him an option, he removes it or you will get face book to remove it.

just try that option

All teachers have a priority to look after the welfare of their students. If something is causing a student a lot of distress, and that student doesn't know who to turn to for help, then school staff will help out. Why do you think schools are always running anti-bullying campaigns?


your right teachers do have to help kids who are in need, but the anti- bullying thing thats going around in schools is bullshit, unless you a physically hurt and have proof there aint much the teachers are ganna do? ask him do stop? try sorting out the issue?

bullies will probably stop most things but the name calling and some pushing will probably continue (this seperate from you problem, im just proving something) unless you wanna sacrafice your self confidence, respect and overall "popularity" in the school it is pretty pointless telling the teachers

that is at my school at least

teachers are the last possible option, if you have no friends and nothing else to loose. police are just as useless.

its up to you i guess, as for running the anti-bullying campaigns its a way to cover their asses, few peole will use them as its humiliating.

by all means contradict me but thats how its worked every school iv been to (3 schools)


Well-known member
If he wrote "bad things and comments about teachers too" - I'd be informing the teachers. Please be brave :)

Facebook may be able to shut down the Facebook account, but you'll still have to 'deal' with him in school, so I'd sort that out also.

I know it seems hard for you to do so right now, but pick a nice teacher, one whom you feel comfortable talking to and have a good relationship with (if that's a possibility) and tell them that you have been suffering stress and anxiety due to this also.

The teachers have a Duty of Care to you & I hope everything works out


Remember, coming to this forum is a good place to talk about any stress / anxiety you may be experiencing - you might make lots of online friends too


All the Best


I looked up Facebook's contact for you:

Contact Facebook

If I were you I'd try that route first, as it's most likely your best bet. If that doesn't work, I agree going to your schools guidance counselor is another option.