How to face and coupe with job interviews


Active member
I need some advise for this.
You that got SA like me, how do you manage to face job interviews?
Have you got a tecnique to coupe with the anxiety?
What really worries me it's not only have the guts to go there and face the interviews, it's being able to have have success besides the skills that meet that position. Nowdays it has become even more complicated, cause you have to first pass the agencies interview doing the interview on the phone or worst face to face, then if you pass they make you do the interview with the company first on the phone, if you pass face to face in the company, with written tests, oral ones and then the interview with the psychologist :mad: if he\she find out that you have got issues for example working in teams, you are screwed!
Probably the one that worries me the most it's really that psychologist one, it's frustrating cause only because i've got this SA i may have issues with people, i can understand they need people that are able to work in teams, but if i know what i'm doing in the job, should this be enough to qualify me?


Well-known member
Oh, that is nerve wracking! I don't think I've ever had to do that before..that's a lot to go through for a job? When I have one I'm always a nervous wreck. I get jittery and my mind goes so fast thinking of things that will go wrong, I lose my train of thought for how I'm going to answer the questions they'll be asking. But before I go in, I sit in the car and think about how I will answer or phrase something, think of some positive attributes in myself (i.e. maybe you're good with people when you are calm enough, you're a very organized person (people with OCD like me, you're a treasure trove, haha) that will make me right for this position and I just allow myself to be calm. It's a mind over matter process, just be strong enough to tell yourself that for this next hour I'll be okay, I can breathe when I get outside and I deserve this shot. And go for it :)


Well-known member
Hi there,

Where do you live? Interviews there seem horribly complicated. A couple of tips would be:

a) Research the company you are interviewing with, try to see if they have websites where you can find out more about them. In this way, you are showing interest in the job and can show you are knowledgeable about the company you are applying to get into.

b) Be prepared for questions you think they might ask, questions like 'how do you think you can contribute to our company?'

c) Be appropriate dressed for your interviews.

d) Be early, 15 mins earlier than the appointed time should be fine. If you are running late, it would be good to call ahead to let them know.

I'm sure there are more, but for now, these are some basic ones I can think of..


Well-known member
Hi there,

Where do you live? Interviews there seem horribly complicated. A couple of tips would be:

a) Research the company you are interviewing with, try to see if they have websites where you can find out more about them. In this way, you are showing interest in the job and can show you are knowledgeable about the company you are applying to get into.

b) Be prepared for questions you think they might ask, questions like 'how do you think you can contribute to our company?'

c) Be appropriate dressed for your interviews.

d) Be early, 15 mins earlier than the appointed time should be fine. If you are running late, it would be good to call ahead to let them know.

I'm sure there are more, but for now, these are some basic ones I can think of..

I'm just going to agree with this guy ::p: Interviews sound awfully complicated, I'm use to dealing with small meaningless ones but these of yours seem much bigger. He makes some excellent recommendations though.


Active member
Actually where i live they are not so complicated, usually they are just 2 face to faces, one in the agency and one in the company, but the main issue here it's that you have to be introduced, i mean that if you wont a good job or if you wont to have concrete possibilities to getting that job you have to know somebody that already works there.
The scenario that i've mentioned is where i'd like to go to live and work, i know that it's all complicated but now where i live i'm like stucked in a rut cause i don't know the right people or i don't have people that can introduce me, and i'm getting old, i want to get out of this situation before it's too late


Well-known member
interviews arent so bad for me. Answering questions from strangers is nerve racking, but less than actually talking about life, and expressing opinions, and etc.

i think the key thing is to stay focus. When i do interviews, the first few questions set the tone for the rest of the interview. If i well on the first few questions, ill generally do well for the entire interview. If you do poorly, u can always salvage it by staying calm. I find that even if u do poorly on the first questions, u will still calm down a bit. So just pay attention to wat they are asking and try to dig stuff up from past interviews to answer them better :)