How long have you guys had Idromed 5?


Well-known member
Hi guys, I've been using Idromed 5 for a year now and god it's such a life saver. It completely solved my palm sweating problems. However, I noticed my back and forehead sweats a little more than it used to, but it's still a lot better than palm sweat in my opinion, at least I can work normally.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone's Idromed 5 ever broke down? How long have you guys had Idromed 5 for before you had to replace it? It would be dreadful if it suddenly breaks down and I'l have to wait till the new one arrives, which means my sweating will come back for sure during that time.

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
Yeah, this interests me too. The only thing really putting me off getting an ionto machine is the high initial cost over here (uk). Been toying with the idea for a while


Well-known member
what are you using to combat your palmar hyperhidrosis? Even though the ionto machine is expensive, i think it's a small price to pay for better living conditions, unless you're using something cheaper that I don't know about.