how do you feel about phone calls from unknown numbers?


Well-known member
Do you ever get phone calls on your cellphone from blocked numbers or numbers you dont recognize? I do from time to time and I usually dont answer, as its most likely someone I dont want to talk to. But if they dont leave a voice mail, it always ends up bothering me for a good week cause I cant help but wonder who it was. Sometimes I wanna call the number back but I always chicken out.

How do you deal with blocked numbers and unknown numbers?

I'm really weird about voice mails too. I never listen to them, I delete them immediately. I honestly dont know why but I hate em. I've talked with other people about it and they say they do the exact same thing - delete em without even listening to em.

Silly I suppose but Im sure some of you can relate.


Well-known member
i get calls on my cell (my only phone really) from unavailable/blocked/#'s i don't recognize all the time. i got 2 this morning actually that woke me up. probably the majority of my calls is from these assholes since most other ppl i know don't bother to call me or know i won't answer lol.

only sometimes these guys leave voicemails, but when i do listen to them, they're usually either blank voicemails or they are recordings. honestly, i wouldn't worry about offending the voicemail people since more than likely, it's telemarketers and whatnot. as someone with phone phobia, i'd say voicemails are the least of my worries when it comes to my phone activity. i listen to my voicemails for the most part, it may take me a couple days to cuz i just don't feel like it and it makes me feel obligated to call whomever back... and half the people who do leave voicemails don't say why they're actually calling, they just say to call them back which to me is soooo annoying, so i wouldn't feel bad about not listening to the voicemails either. i know it's probably pointless to say don't feel bad, but i thought i'd give it a shot.
I don't have a cell phone because I have no reason for having one, but I'll only really answer the phone when I don't know who it is. Especially because it's usually nobody. Since no one ever calls for me anyway, I don't so much mind answering it when it's some random person I'll never talk to again.


It's probably good to listen to the voicemail cuz it could be an emergency from your bank or something like that... you'd probably want to know about it if something is going on with your bank or credit card account.

I usually don't pick up unknown members... if they don't leave a voicemail, I usually google the number - usually they're from political campaigns or NPR asking for donations :p
The Who said:
I'm going home
And when I want to go home, I'm going mobile
Well I'm gonna find a home on wheels, see how it feels,
Goin' mobile
Keep me moving

I can pull up by the curb,
I can make it on the road,
Goin' mobile
I can stop in any street
And talk with people that we meet
Goin' mobile
Keep me moving

Out in the woods
Or in the city
It's all the same to me
When I'm driving free
The world's my home
When I'm mobile

Play the tape machine
Make the toast and tea
When I'm mobile
Well, I can lay in bed with only highway ahead
When I'm mobile
Keep me moving

Keep me moving
Over fifty
Keep me groovin'
Just a hippie gypsy
Come on move now
Keep me movin' yeah

Keep me movin', movin', movin', yeah
Movin' yeah
Mobile, mobile, mobile, mobile....

I don't care about pollution
I'm an air-conditioned gypsy
That's my solution
Watch the police and the taxman miss me!
I'm mobile!
Mobile, mobile, mobile, yeah


Well-known member
I feel like I have to pick up and ask who the hell it is.

Then I get their address and I beat them up with wooden spoons.


Well-known member
I usually don't pick up numbers I don't know or are blocked. Most times it is just a wrong number anyway. Somebody must have had this number before me, because I get weird voicemails and texts from foreign people every now and again. I tried to befriend one on text, but they never wrote back :p .

I don't expect anyone to call me, unless I am job hunting. Then, and only then, would I be likely to pick up unknown numbers. Otherwise, if it's important enough, they will leave a voicemail.


Well-known member
I literally just got one of these. I freak out and don't answer them and then I get paranoid that it was someone trying to pull a prank on me or something, so I always try and google the number that came up.


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
I don't have a cell phone because I have no reason for having one.

eh, im in the same boat as you... the only reason I ever even got one was because I have this huge fear of my car breaking down on the freeway and then being completely fucked cause I have no way to call for help heh.


Well-known member
I feel uncomfortable about them. I am usually suspicious to phone calls from unknown numbers. Most often, I suspect they might be malevolently playing with me or checking me, and tend to not answer.


Well-known member
I don't think about it, I just answer the phone and see who it is.

but again, it's been quite a while barely no one calls me.


Active member
I haven't just answered the phone in 2 years!

I think it's interesting that this is a topic.

My phone ringing is actually how all of this started. How all of this began to spin violently out of control.

I'll spare you the details enough to say that for reasons honestly not entirely my own, i was being harrassed on the phone by creditors. Just after i graduated college in sping of 2007 (within days) i got a phone call from this Cash Call guy and he literally spent 45 mins on the phone literally yelling and berating me for being a bad person for taking a loan out for my dead-beat mother. I'm too nice of a person and can't hang up on people once they have me on the phone... i dunno, i care that if they think i'm rude i guess.

well, for a few months before this incident, i had begun screening calls. Once this happened, i pretty much went on a life sebatical for two months in the woods. I had no reception. The quite was addicting and from then on i couldn't stand the sound of my phone ringing so it's always on vibrate. If i don't know the number, there is very little chance in hell i will pick up the phone. my only exceptions are calls from my local area when i think i'm waiting for a call, and SOMETIMES if i see i have a call from my mother's drs area code (and the one i grew up)... But other than that, not doin it.

When i'm particularly low, i wont answer the phone for numbers i know either. It drives people crazy. I get annoyed that they feel entitled to speak to me just because they are calling my cell.

I just so stressed out by it.... i don't even like knowing that it's vibrating. I have to pick up the phone and ignore the call. I'm so afraid of being yelled at and berated for a situation i can't fix at the moment and didn't forsee back then, that i just don't want to talk to anyone. Someone always wants something from me... something i usually don't have.

It sucks... i hate phones.


If you don't even listen to your voicemails then why should it even bother you if the unknown number doesn't leave one?

Anyway, I don't usually answer the phone even when I do recognize the number, so especially not when I don't recognize it. I probably should start answering the phone though because I've started looking for a job and they could be calling me, but I've just been hoping they'd leave a message. I do wonder though when an unknown number doesn't leave a message because I think it could have been a job and I hate myself for being too scared to answer.


Well-known member
I don't pick up the phone unless it's my mom or some other relative, even then only when its important. We don't get called much up here anyways so the only calls i get are usually telemarketers or wrong numbers. I can't believe how many wrong numbers we get!


Well-known member
Used to be shit scared of the phone and still get a feeling of dread and start blushing (anyone else blush when on the phone?) with landline calls, kinda wierd, im ok with mobiles though as i generally know the person or assume so. Although when i first got my phone i had some irish dude accuse me of stealing the phone from one of his mates, i thought it was a prank and tried to mimic his accent, don't think it helped. Other than that i've not had anyone call that i didn't know....possibly because it was never on.
PhantomPod said:
I literally just got one of these. I freak out and don't answer them and then I get paranoid that it was someone trying to pull a prank on me or something, so I always try and google the number that came up.

That's exactly what I do. :oops:


Well-known member
I hate private names or unknown numbers due to being harrased on the phone or prank calls from ignorant juvenile assholes who enjoy playing phone tag arghhh my cell phone is broken so i have no use buying another i use my land line phone and i don't give my number out so but anyways if i don't answer a private caller or unknown number i tend to feel guilty and suspicious in regards to who it could of been.


Well-known member
I only answer calls when I know the number. A few days ago, I got a call from a number I have never seen before, and let it ring. I am not answering that. I like to wonder... though I figure if this person really wanted to make contact, they would text me later, and they did not. I might've answered then.
And I don't answer the home phone.


Well-known member
Wow I feel kind of bad now.Im one of these people that have a permanently block on caller ID.I never thought about how it might make other people feel.It's just that it makes me feel very uneasy when I make a phone call,that strangers could know my name and phone number,with caller ID.Im almost obsess,with keeping my phone number and my name private.

I really don't have any problem with answering phone calls that are private or unknown numbers.Though I don't answer those calls much anymore because it's almost always one of those robocall offering to refinance me mortgage on my house,for the 100th time.Even though I don't own a house.