How do you avoid the impulse to cry when you're angry..?


Well-known member
.....and in a confrontation?

I cry when I am angry and everyone knows that when you cry in an argument, you lose by default. I have always wanted to be calm, cool, and collected in a confrontation like my sister but those tears well up every time.
I feel weak and defeated, and because of this I can never stand up for myself. Is there a trick to getting over this? It's very annoying. :\


Well-known member
I know the feeling, i just can't handle confrontation. I think take a deep breath and count to ten?
I used to cry when I got angry, now I can't even cry at all anymore. I'm not sure what I did, I guess I just wouldn't allow myself to do it and tried to hold it in no matter what. I am so afraid to look weak and powerless in front of people like the fear of judgement has just stopped it altogether. But now that I have done it so much I can't even cry when I feel like doing so.


Dont try and stop yourself from crying... its a natural thing to do.Doesnt make you pathetic or weak or any of those things just means your sensative :)

Like delicious I cant cry at all these days i think from being emotionaly numb cos of depression and id give anything to be able to have a good cry again.