How do you apply mindfulness in social situations?


Active member
Pretty much what the title says. I've been listening to Jon Kabat-Zinn's guided mediation CDs (body scan mediation at the moment) for a week now and I'm still in the mist of how one would use it in feared social situations. Any ideas?


Well-known member
That's a really good question. I have enough trouble doing it with eating or something simple so I have no idea how it would work in a feared social situation.


Well-known member
focus on what the other person is saying, and not on your thoughts about what they are saying

pay attention to the conversation rather than your own thoughts

respond to what they say or ask - not to what you think you should say

be present, be there, not in your head


Well-known member
Coyote and Phocas are absolutely right, but I find that to be so much easier said than done.

true, it easier said than done - like most worthwhile endeavors...

like sticking to a workout regimen

or keeping your house clean

or eating a burrito as big as your head
So what would be recommended as far as getting oneself to a point where one is present for most if not all the time? I definitely understand what needs to be done, but like you said, it can be as difficult as eating a head sized burrito haha. I gues what i'm getting at is, these are solutions to the problem, but how does one get to the point where these solutions come easy? Consistent meditation?


Well-known member
I do daily Vipassana Guided Meditations as the route to mindfulness. I now have about 10 meditations that I use as my mood/needs desire. As time goes on I have noted several key phrases that I find beneficial. I wonder if just one CD would be enough variety for you? There are plenty free meditations on the web. You kind of know intuitively if it’s a good one for you.

I particularly practice mindfulness whilst performing daily tasks such as cleaning. This sort of practice/mindfulness permeates into my daily life.

Overtime meditation/mindfulness will help you with all social situations. You will be able to be present in a state of impartial awareness, intuitive awareness with a non-focussed gaze being aware of the judging mind. I now find myself in a much better place than I was before.

I have benefited from CBT therapy
I lead my own Vipassana meditation in the morning
I meditate with the aid of a Vipassana Guided Meditation in the evening
I manifest via The Law of Attraction daily (I am particularly aware to Let Go)

I wish you every success in your pursuit of mindfulness (the present).